Long Slow Distance

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Everyone entered this harsh but addictingly beautiful world alone. It doesn't matter if you're born with your twin or triplets by your side,or even the parents that stood by the side,cooing at your features that you got from them. You're alone to fend for this world. People always say that they'll help you and that they'll be beside you so that you'll never be left out,you'll be grateful and comforted but you're still truly alone. They can only lend a hand but never interfere with your problem to help you face it fully. You're forced to confront it despite the fears eating you from the inside for you to fully get rid of the said problem.

At least that's what negative minds,like Mark's,thinks. Because even if he creates a bond with someone,that string will always end up breaking. Just like food,everything has an expiring date. After that,the food is disposed and left to rot with maggots and flies. Mark feels exactly that everytime he gets abandoned. He should have gotten used to it but even if he grew numb,the thoughts of him being never enough would still haunt him for life. That was what made him realise that he'll probably be alone until he dies and end this sad,pathetic life of his.

Being someone so negative towards life,you'd never expect him to always forgive love and open his heart to it. Mark never knew what made him do it,what made him accept despite knowing the outcome. Was it because he was too soft? Or was it because he hoped that someone would save him from completely drowning into his deep pool of sorrow? Mark thinks it's the latter with a hint of the former added in. Mark experienced it all. Cheating,abusing,framing,whatever you can come up with it. There was a particular thing that every one of them shares,and that was breaking his trust.

So,why? Why is he still giving love a chance?

Mark remembered the worst. Those memories so clear in his mind. The feeling of pain stabbing straight into his chest. How his eyes burn from crying too much. How his body did nothing but lay on the sofa. How his eyes stared without seeing. The worst given to him was by a boy named Jinyoung. The name had never rolled off Mark's tongue since he left high school,only appearing in his mind numerous times. Even if the hurt was there every time a leave happened,it could never compare to what Jinyoung has made Mark went through. Mark thinks that the reason for that was because the first times always leaves the deepest carving.

It was cute when they first met. Mark was a senior in high school and Jinyoung was a year below him. They shared different schedules,went to different clubs but somehow,fate was feeling playful that day and decided to make them bump into each other.

"Hey! Watch where you're goin...g..."

Mark,the shy and nervous boy,never glanced up as he kept on bowing,apologies spitted out of his mouth non stop. He had swore to himself during the start of the year that he would not get involved in any troubles or people. And he just bumped into someone. He could only hope that that someone was kind and let him off. Oh,please add forgetfulness too so that he'll never know of Mark again.

"I'm really sorry! I didn't mean it!" Mark continued blabbering,not noticing how a small and amused smile had made its way up to the victim's face. It took him a few more spluttering to notice that the stranger hasn't spoken at all and he cursed himself for lifting his head up in curiosity. When he did,he did everything he could to shove back down the gasp that was so close in escaping because boy oh boy was this kid a prince. His eyes grew wide as they took in the younger's godly features,blessing his shining orbs. Staring is rude and Mark knows that but he's still doing it.

"It's okay." the younger boy reassured,snapping Mark out of his trance. "I'll forgive you because you're pretty."

Blood rushed up to his cheeks as Mark choked on his saliva at Jinyoung's words. He sure was embarrassing himself.

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