Mystery Sweaters & Hoodies

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Jinyoung went through his closet and realised that the clothes he had was getting lesser by time. He tilted his head in confusion before he left the room.

When he saw Yugyeom sitting in the living room, he approached the maknae and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The younger glanced up at him with a questioning look,"Yeah, hyung?" 

"Have your clothes gone missing as well?"

Dumbfounded at the question, Yugyeom gave him a blank look before he shook his head and asked,"Why?" 

"Well, mine has. My closet just looks so empty. Almost all my sweaters and hoodies are disappearing,"

Yugyeom then smiled teasingly and said,"I know why. But don't worry, it's still in this dorm," 

Jinyoung groaned and punched him on the shoulder before stomping off to Jaebum's room. Jinyoung knocked on the door before twisting the door knob, pushing the door open and entering the room. Jaebum was lying on the bed with two cats on his chests, one biting his hair and the other two messing the room up. 

"Sorry, Jinyoung. The kids became a little excited. I didn't know that the snacks had catnip in them," Jaebum laughed.

The younger nodded before going straight to the point,"Hyung have you seen my sweaters and hoodies?" 

Jaebum lifted his head up with struggles to not disturb the two fur balls on his chest, his eyebrows scrunching up,"No. I would never. I can't actually because it'd be covered in fur and you don't want cat fur everywhere you go," Jinyoung sighed and nodded, leaving afterwards.

Joining Yugyeom on the couch, he huffed out in frustrations and groaned. "No luck?" Yugyeom lifted one eyebrow up. 

Jinyoung shook his head and turned to face him,"You said you know so tell me brat," 

"You just called me a brat so why should I?" 

"Because I'm your hyung," 


"You little-"

 "Hyung, try harder. It's very easy to find your missing clothes. If don't find it by the end of today, you won't have my respect anymore," Yugyeom laughed and ran away before a pillow could hit his head.

Jackson? Jinyoung decided to try. He took out his phone and dialed Jackson's number, waiting for the other to answer which he did almost immediately. "Did you miss me?" the other said the first thing after he accepted Jinyoung's call. 

"Ew no. We just saw each other yesterday," Jinyoung said in a disgusted tone. 

"Okay bye," 



"Have you been borrowing my clothes?" 

"...Jinyoung, we live in different places," 

Jinyoung facepalmed and cursed himself mentally for being an idiot. "Well sorry. My clothes is disappearing and I am getting frustrated,"

Jackson let out a high pitched laugh from the other side of the line and snorting in the process. "Dude, are you that dumb? Even I know who would take it," 

"Who is it?! Yugyeom said the same thing and the little brat didn't want to tell me, saying that I will lose his respect for me after this day is over if I don't figure it out,"

Jackson just laughed more before he said,"Yeah. If you don't figure it out, I'm not claiming you as a friend. My friend is very smart so this should be easy for you," Jinyoung was going to ask something but Jackson had hung up on him.

Youngjae? Nah, he has lots of it. Maybe more than Jinyoung. Bambam? No way, their styles are way too different. Who else-Mark. Jinyoung sighed and yelled,"Fuck I am stupid!" followed by Yugyeom's own yell,"You finally found out, took you long enough hyung!" Jinyoung growled but didn't bothered to kill the maknae. 

Maybe later, after he gets his clothes back.

He walked towards Mark's room and knocked gently only for him to hear no answer. He opened the door softly and peeped his head in. What he saw made his heart flutter. Mark was on cuddled up in his blanket on the queen sized bed, wearing non other than Jinyoung's sweater that looked a little too big for the other. He approached the other quietly and sat down on the edge of the bed, watching the older with loving eyes.

The slight movement of the bed woke Mark up as he slowly opened his eyes and blinked numerous times. "J-Jinyoung?" Mark muttered, rubbing his eyes with his sweater paws. 

Jinyoung cooed silently and hummed,"Yeah?" 

"Why are you here?" Mark asked in confusion. 

"Do I need a reason to come to my boyfriend's room?" 

"Well no but-" 

"Nice sweater you got there," 

Mark flushed heavily at that and looked down at the blanket,"Y-You noticed?" 

"Yeah and I also noticed that my hoodies and sweaters are gone. I wonder who took it," Jinyoung smirked, watching as the older blushed more if possible.

"I-I don't know," 

"Yeah sure hyung. You don't but can I look at your closet?" 


Too late, Jinyoung was on his feet, rushing towards the older's closet, opening it before Mark could stop him. "Hey hyung, I didn't know we have that many couple hoodies and sweaters because those are just like my missing ones," Jinyoung teased, glncing at the older who groaned. 

"Fine I stole them," Mark pouted, glaring at Jinyoung.

"And why? You can ask me instead of just stealing them though baby," Jinyoung asked, smiling as he walked back to the bed. 

"W-Well I thought you won't allow it since you love them so much," 

"But I love you more," 

Mark slapped his shoulder and whined,"Don't be fucking cheesy!" 

"It's the truth," 

Mark groaned more and plopped his head onto the pillow. "Now that you know, I'm gonna just steal more of them," 

"Please don't, I need something to wear," Jinyoung chuckled and joined Mark on his bed.

"Five. I'll give back five of them to you," Mark said. 

Jinyoung widen his eyes and shot up,"No! That's too little," 

"Fine. Seven,"


"There are seven days in a week so it's perfect," 

"Baby, you'll steal them again. So what's the point?" 

"Hmm, you're right. Okay, I will but I want to keep one with me," 

Jinyoung nodded and laid back down, placing one arm around Mark's waist while the other reached out to card his hand through the older's hair. "You haven't answered me. Why did you steal them? The last time I remember, you have lots of them," 

"Because they're comfy and they smell like you," Mark muttered, snuggling into Jinyoung's chest. 

"You can just come to me," 

"Don't wanna disturb you," 

"You won't," 

"I'll hold onto that then,"

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