仍然我的小幸运(Still My Little Lucky Star)

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Since some of you guys wanted a continuation of 'Little Lucky Star', I did it. It might not be that good but I tried guys TT This is kinda what I want the ending to be in the movie but it didn't end it like how I wanted. This is what I created in my mind. Anyways,enjoy~


"So...how've you been?" Jinyoung asked. We were both sitting in a cafe after bumping into each other. I put down my phone after leaving a message for my friend that I won't be going to his party. I sighed and faced him,"I'm okay,I guess. Just broke up with my boyfriend two days ago but at least I got a promotion at work," "I'm sorry to hear that and congrats on the promotion," I just waved it off before saying,"Nah,its fine. He was a jerk anyways. I just had enough of him bossing me around,"

An awkward silence passed as we avoid each other's eyes. The question was at the tip of my tongue. I wanted to ask but I was scared of the answer I will get. "You want to ask me something right? You're fiddling with your sleeves and that means you need to ask but you're scared. Just ask away, I'll answer," I was surprised when he said that. He still remembers my habit after all these years?

I cleared my throat and sighed. "Okay. Why? Why did you leave so suddenly?" The question is finally asked. All that's left is the answer. The part I'm most nervous about. Jinyoung wasn't talking. He hasn't for a few minutes now. Does he not want to answer it? He said he would. Great, now I'm getting desperate.

"Jackson didn't tell you?" Okay,I'm getting confused."Tell me what? He didn't even talk to me anymore after you left," Jinyoung looked just as confused as I am. He cursed under his breath before he looked at me,"I told him the reason,asking him to tell you too after I leave but I guess he didn't,"

"Then tell me now. I need to know why Jinyoung,"I was getting frustrated that I could feel tears welling up. "Why do you want to know that bad anyways?" He asked,a look on his face that I can't read. "Maybe because I still have leftover feelings for you that I never told you about," I blurted everything out without realizing that I just confessed. I covered my mouth with my palm when I realized what I just said.

Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows and leaned forward,"What did you say?" I shook my head rapidly,my mouth still covered by my palm as if that I let go,I'll spit out more secrets that I don't want him to ever know about. "You said you have leftover feelings for me. Does that mean you liked me since then?"He continues,wanting to get to the bottom of it. I didn't answer and avoided his stares.

Jinyoung just let out a sigh and leaned back into his seat before saying,"How bout we do this? I'll tell you my reason and you'll tell me about what you just said. Deal?" My hand slowly slipped off my face and onto my lap as I nodded,"You go first since I'm the one that asked the question first," He then chuckled and agreed. "You remember the fight in the ice skating rink?" "Yeah," "I actually hit my head hard during the fight but the doctor said it was fine as long it doesn't happen again. Unfortunately,it did. Remember on your birthday, I got you a gigantic pikachu standee? " I nodded my head at the question before he continued,"I was supposed to give it to you in person but something happened. The gang that we fought in ice rink found me and wanted revenge. I was alone that time,a disadvantage for me. A guy hit my head with a metal pole. I didn't think it was serious until I went for another check up. The doctor said my skull was badly damaged and I had to get it treated if I didn't want it to get worse. So I did, that was why I was at the hospital which you ended up finding out. The reason why I left was partly because of my treatment. I also left because I wanted to get rid of my feelings for you. I knew you still liked Jackson so I backed away until it was unbearable anymore so when I heard I needed to get treatment overseas,I accepted immediately because it was a good opportunity to forget you and start a new life,"

When Jinyoung was finished, I couldn't say anything. I don't know how to reply or react to it. "Did it work?" I asked. He smiled and knew I wasn't asking about the treatment but the plan of forgetting me. "You want me to be honest?" I nodded and he took a deep breath before he revealed,"No. It did not. Instead it only increases my feelings for you," I felt relieved at his answer but why didn't he come back?

"Then why didn't you come back?" Jinyoung could only smile sadly and answered,"I assumed you already heard the recording and I didn't even know how you feel towards me so it made me scared." Tears were threatening to fall off my eyes but I held it. I can't cry now.

"Your turn," I let out a shaky breath and nodded. "You're right. I liked you since back then but I never had the chance to tell you because you left..." I let out a small laugh as I wiped off a stray tear that succeeded in falling. "I'll give you a chance now. Tell me,Mark. I want to hear it,"Jinyoung offered, looking at me with eyes filled with sadness. "I like you Jinyoung. Since back then and I still do. Fuck that. I love you,"I confessed,eyes staring at my fiddling hands.

"I love you too Mark. Always have and still do,"Jinyoung said,making my head snap up to face him. He just laughed at my surprised face. Not long after,I joined in the laughter,finally letting the tears fall.

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