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"Be my boyfriend,"

"Yes. I will be yours," Mark accepted Jinyoung, tears falling from his eyes.

"I won't hurt you. Ever,"


"Promise, my little angel."


"Guys shut the fuck up and get to work!" Jinyoung yelled, done with the maknaes' bickering on who deserves to be Mark's little brother.

It was Mark's birthday and Jinyoung planned a surprise birthday party for his boyfriend. Everything was going well except for the two. If they continue on, his plan was going to fail.

"Okay hyung..."They both mumbled and continued decorating the dorm. Soon, Jinyoung heard small.whispers of 'its all your fault' and 'no you asshole'. He sighed and shook his head,"Its both of your fault so stop arguing. You two deserves to be his brother, you know he can't choose right. He loves you two," And that was enough to shut them up. Jinyoung was satisfied and continued baking the cake.

When it was time for Mark to get back home, everyone hid and waited for Mark. The lights then was switched open, revealing a clueless Mark. "What the fuck? Why is it so quiet?" Jinyoung held in his laughter because his boyfriend was kinda right. If their dorm is ever quiet, something was up.

He looked at the others and counted down with his fingers before they all jumped up and scared the fuck out of Mark. Mark clutched his heart in shock as he stared wide eyed at them. Jinyoung stepped forward with his cake and wished happy birthday to his boyfriend, the others following behind him.

"Thanks guys. When did you even planned this?" Mark asked. "Last week," "Is this why you guys are cooped together in the toilet, saying you have to ban some demon shit?" "Yup," "Well that makes sense," "Anyways...CAKE TIME!" Bambam whooped but was stopped by Jaebum. "No, you idiot. Mark has to blow out the candles first," Mark chuckled and blew out the candles after making his wish. "You can eat it Bammie," "I didn't say I was going to eat it," when Mark saw the glint in Bambam's eyes, it was too late as his face was covered with cake.

Mark sighed and opened his eyes, glaring at the skinny boy who gulped in fear. "Bammie, come here," he said with sweetness laced in his tone. Bambam shook his head and ran away, an angry Mark sprinting after him.

The two came back, smiling,well only Mark. Bambam just looked like he saw something he shouldn't have. "That was actually scary. It reminded my of the time where Mark hyung threw his laptop at me," "I warned you and what happened? You didn't listen. Typical you," Jackson snickered.

"So what did you wish for, my pretty baby?" Jinyoung asked sweetly, hoping that his tone would make his boyfriend tell him. "No telling. If I do, it won't come true," Jinyoung's face fell and he pouted,"Who even invented that anyways?!" "I did. Now stop sulking," Mark giggled.

Mark then held out his pinky finger,"You won't leave me right?" Jinyoung smiled down at his shorter boyfriend and shook his head,"No. I promise," The taller then linked his own pinky finger with the other's.


"You promised..."

"I know baby. We can still call each other and facetime," Jinyoung tried, looking at his boyfriend who was close to tears.

Jinyoung has to leave for England to continue his studies there. Mark would follow but he can't. He failed the test for the school Jinyoung was going to enroll in so he had no choice but to stay here.

"...Fine. Promise me that you would call me everyday at least once. I need to know how you're doing there. Make sure to take care of yourself and eat your food. Don't starve yourself-" "Yes I will my baby. Now stop rambling. We still have two months before I go. Let us enjoy the time we have left,"

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