Methods To Hate You

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The school bell rang,signalling that it was time for a lunch break. Students started packing their stuff even before teachers ended the class,letting the nags go unheard as they ran out of the class and towards the cafeteria. Jinyoung was not one of them though as he slowly stood up,making his way to his best friend's seat,which was few seats behind him as Jackson wanted to slack off without the teacher's eyes on him. Jackson's eyes brightened up as Jinyoung got closer. The pair had been best friends since childhood and they're practically two peas in a pod. Many envy their bond. Their minds alike even if they're not around each other,they match up despite the difference in their personalities. Jackson was the popular one while Jinyoung was just Jinyoung but that never made them any further than each other. Wherever Jinyoung was,there was Jackson and vice versa.

"Hey,ready for lunch?" Jinyoung asked,a grin on his face. Jackson only grinned back,looping his arm with Jinyoung's as he nodded,dragging them both out of class and to the cafeteria. The cafeteria food was always gone by the time they reached there but Jackson had somehow made the lunch lady reserved some for them both. Perks of being a popular student with charming points,Jinyoung guessed,but he knew that the lunch lady had grew a soft spot for him as well so without Jackson,Jinyoung would still be able to get his own serve. Though it was thanks to Jackson too,without that,the lunch lady wouldn't even bat an eyelash at him from the start. Basically,Jackson was Jinyoung's great hero and knight in shining armour.

"I wonder what they have for today. Ooh,I hope its my favourite!" Jackson showed his excitement,pulling Jinyoung unbelievably closer by the arm. "Oh yeah,Jinyoung...I have some news to tell you."

"Bad or good?" Jinyoung asked,squinting his eyes at the slightly older boy beside him. "If its bad,save it after lunch."

"After lunch then." Jackson laughed. "It's not bad,relax."


"You leaving me alone in this huge school filled with scary people is totally not bad. Yeah,sure,I get you." Jinyoung sassed,glaring at his best friend who was now sporting puppy eyes. "No! Don't give me those eyes. I'm pissed right now."

"Oh come on! Jinyoung,it's only for two weeks and I'll be back beside you. I promise I'll bring home so many souvenirs for you. Don't be mad anymore. I know I should have told you earlier-"

"Yeah no shit."

"-but I kinda forgot. That's a stupid excuse but forgive me. You can't hate me,you love me too much to do that." Jackson finished with a smug smile,in which earned him a slap in the chest by Jinyoung who finally dropped his frown and replaced it with a small smile. "There's the smile. You love me,admit it!"

"Fine,I do. There,happy?" The older nodded wholeheartedly,throwing arms around Jinyoung happily while snuggling his face into the younger's neck affectionately. "Anyways,anything new with that boy of yours?" Jinyoung asked,a voice laced with tease as he smirked at the other. Jackson had been sharing stuff about a certain boy to Jinyoung but never really said who it was,saying that he'd tell him when they get together. Being the patient boy he was,Jinyoung was willing to wait and so he did but he couldn't resist but ask the process of Jackson finally being in a relationship. Jackson may get tons of confessions every day but he had never accepted them,his heart taken by someone else.

"I think...probably soon,Jinyoung. I can really sense it coming. Oh my god,I can't wait for you guys to meet when that happens! How 'bout you? Anyone who caught your eye?"

Jinyoung could only smile sheepishly at that,rubbing the back of his neck,feeling embarrassed as he blushed furiously while nodding to answer Jackson's question. Someone did caught his eye these past weeks and that someone was charming. He was Jinyoung's ideal type. Handsome,smart,tall,a charming smile,and funny too. Basically boyfriend material. That's a catch. Recently,Jinyoung had gotten a chance to speak with his newly developed crush,Im Jaebum,when he bumped into him. Jaebum had spilled his water onto Jinyoung's shirt on a day where it's important for the younger. Despite that,Jinyoung brushed it off even if he knew he would be in great trouble,too smitten with Jaebum to even be mad at him. Jaebum was still sorry for his actions and so,the pair went for coffee and snacks,Jaebum's treat of course,as an apology. From that day on,Jaebum and Jinyoung became good friends and the younger hoped that it would grow into something more.

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