Close The Distance Between Us

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"New letters?"

Mark sighed and nodded in reply, placing the bunch of letters on the table gently. "I don't get it. We don't even know each other that much, by that I meant like only eye contacts. I haven't even talk to him before and the whole school ship us together?"

"That may be because you both could be quite a pair," Youngjae guessed, his face scrunched up in disgust when he saw cucumbers in his sandwich before pushing it away from him.

"And because of that, I get letters from Jinyoung every day who isn't really Jinyoung but other students?" Another sigh escaped Mark's lips as he plopped his head on his crossed arms.

The letters started when Jinyoung and Mark were standing beside each other by coincidence. Apparently, someone took a picture of both of them and posted in on the school website. The students thought they looked good together and it started. Every day, letters from students faking to be Jinyoung himself went to his locker and vice versa. Mark didn't understand why, why would the students pair up strangers together? Sure, he had a few classes with the other boy, but never once they have talked to each other. The most was a 0.001 second of eye contact, that's all.

"That's how much you both look good together," Jackson snorted and reading the letters for Mark. He won't lie, some of the letters were pretty sweet. They would sometimes contain cheesy pick up lines or poems you would easily find on the internet. "Like come on, that picture of both of you standing together just looked so disgustingly adorable. If you showed it to a stranger, I bet all my organic tea and snapbacks and kinder joy chocolates that he or she would assume you both are a couple,"

Mark could only groan and stab the innocent broccoli on his plate while Youngjae laughed at him but stopped when the older threatened to shove cucumbers into his mouth if he didn't shut up. "Mean. I could die if you do that,"

"Shut up. You love me,"

"No. Jinyoung loves you,"

"Stop it!" Mark yelled, earning stares from a few tables, including Jinyoung's.

Jinyoung glanced up when he heard someone yelling 'stop it' and realised it was Mark. Jinyoung caught a glimpse of letters on the other's table and he was no better. He has them too but he never bothered to read it because it was so cringy that he couldn't unfold his fingers. But since Bambam likes writing fanfictions, he gave it to him so that the boy could use some of the sentences for his works.

"Hmm. Pretty boy caught your attention?" Jaebum asked, wiggling his eyebrows at him. Jinyoung just chuckled and pushed the other boy jokingly.

"Maybe," he muttered before sipping on his drink only to choke on it when Bambam squealed.

"Omg! The ship is sailing!" the skinny boy then flapped his arms everywhere, almost hitting his giant boyfriend in the process.

"Bambam, you should stop being on aff,"

"I don't use that site though,"




"Yas! This world needs more ChanBaek fanfics!" Bambam whined like the exo-l he was. Yugyeom rolled his eyes and held his jumpy boyfriend in place with struggles until Bambam calmed down.

"Anyways, back to the topic. Are you really interested in pretty boy?" Yugyeom asked, letting go of Bambam but still held his hand. If they were not talking, Jinyoung would have thought that the small action was cute. Well, he was their cupid after all so he was proud.

"I didn't say that though,"

"But you mean it that way though. Why don't you write him a letter yourself?" Jaebum suggested, his eyes never leaving the fluff of sunshine sitting in pretty boy's table.

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