Dreams Come True

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Prompt:It's the school festival and Jinyoung went to get his future read. The fortune teller told him The One will make his presence known today. Jinyoung is a skeptic, but upon leaving, he sees Mark (his crush!) confessing his love to him.


Jinyoung's POV

I plopped down on my comfy bed after a long day in school. As the school's prez, it was normal to be very busy, especially when preparing the school festival. And thank god the preparation is over, now all that is left is to enjoy it.

I covered my eyes with my left arm as I let out a sigh, trying to let sleep take over. I was close to falling asleep until my phone rang beside me. I groaned and mentally reminded myself to kill whoever called me first thing tomorrow. I grumbled when I saw Jaebum's name on my phone screen. I accepted the call unwillingly " What the fuck do you want?!" I heard chuckles on the other side on the phone, "Woah. Calm down Jinyoung. Why are you so pissed?" "You disturbed my sleep dumbass," A soft voice then came from the background,"Hyung! I told you I can ask Jinyoung hyung tomorrow. See,you disturbed him!" My grumpy self felt a tad bit better when I heard Youngjae's voice. "What did you want to ask me, Jae?" My voice turned soft,earning a scoff ftom Jaebum. "Wow. With Youngjae,you turn all soft and mushy while you're just goddamn rude and savage towards me," Youngjae and I laughed at him,"Too bad Jaebum. You don't deserve any kindness from me," "How am I even friends with you?" "Oh shush you love me. Now,what did you want to ask Youngjae ah?" "Oh, I heard that there will be a fortune teller in the school festival. Can you go with me hyung?" the younger cheerfully asked. "What about Jaebum?" "He ruins the atmosphere," I laughed loudly at what Youngjae said as I hear protests from Jaebum. "Okay okay, I'll go," Youngjae then cheered and said goodbye before hanging up. I plugged my phone to the charger before relaxing myself in a comfortable position. Slowly,darkness invades as I fell asleep.


As soon as I stepped into school, I was dragged by Youngjae who was waiting at the entrance. He looked so excited while pulling my arm to somewhere. "Uhh,Jae where are you taking me?" He stopped and turned to me,pouting. "Hyung,you forgot? You promised that you would follow me to the fortune teller," Realization that hit me as I nodded apologetically before I was dragged again.

We then finally stopped at a tent that looked quite galaxy-ish. "Youngjae,it's not even open yet," I deadpanned. "I know,but I want to be the first customer because I know if we come later,there will be a line and I don't want to wait," I hummed at him. Suddenly, curiosity hit me as I looked at him. "Youngjae why do you want to get your future read anyways?" The younger boy grinned and answered,"Well hyung actually its not me whose getting my future read. It's you," "W-What?! I did not agree to this!" "Too bad hyung. Might as well do it since you're already here. Plus, you've been single for so long," "One year," I glared at Youngjae who just waved his hand like nothing is wrong. "Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes and gritted,"I don't even trust this kinds of stuff. Its utter bullshit!" Youngjae then gasped and slappes my shoulder. "How could you?! Look hyung. Jackson got his future checked here last year and she said that Bambam would confess to him soon. And look at them now. They are one of the most disgusting couple in school," "The most disgusting," "Whatever. Hyung,I don't want you to be forever alone," "I am not forever alone-" I was interupted when a girl popped her head out from the tent,"We're opened. So who's going first?" Youngjae pointed at me and pushed me inside the tent. "I'll wait for you outside here hyung!"

I groaned mentally and sat in front of the girl. She had a weird ball on the table. "Full name,age,birth date and what do you want to find out?" She blurted out while staring at me quite creepily. "Uhh,Park Jinyoung,18 years old,September 22 and uhh, my love life?" "Hmm,common request," She then placed both hands on top of the ball and started chanting a wierd mantra. I looked around the tent to distract myself and all I could say is that this place is dark and scary. It had crows on display, a few dreamcatchers and a weird mask hanging behind her. "Done. Park Jinyoung right?" I nodded as reply before I heard her say with a blank look,"You're in luck Jinyoung-ssi. The one for you will make his presense known today," "H-his?" "Yes his. Now I don't really care if you believe me or not since you think its utter bullshit but please get out because I have lots of customers outside," Rude. I thought. "Well then sorry for being rude but please get out," I grumbled and stomped out of the tent. Then,my eyes widen in realization. "H-How the fuck did she even know-" "Hyung! What did she say?" Youngjae appeared beside me. "She said that he will make his presense known tonight," I repeated what the fortune teller said. "He? Whose he-" Youngjae then gasped and started hitting me. "Ouch! Dude what the hell?!" I snapped at the younger. "Hyung! Its a he so there is a possibility that it might be your long time crush Mark hyung!" "Youngjae,I know you're crazy but I didn't expect you to be that insane like Jaebum," I deadpanned. "Ughh hyung. Whatever you want to believe. Let's make a bet, if it comes true then you will have to buy me ice cream for a month," "And if I win?" "T-Then you can feed me cucumbers!" I raised my eyebrows at that,"Confident huh?" Youngjae just nodded,looking determined. I chuckled,"All right then,let's see,"


It was almost the end of the festival. And just like I expected, the one did not male his presence known. I could see Youngjae fiddling with his fingers as the festival was coming to an end. Time to get cucumbers. I smirked at Youngjae. Suddenly, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see none other than my long time crush,Mark Tuan. He was looking at the ground, his fingers playing with the hem of his jacket. Cute. I could feel Youngjae's stares at my back but I ignored them. "Yes,Mark hyung?" I asked,making the other jumped up a little. "Uhh, umm...I have something to tell you. Can we go somewhere private?" He whispered loud enough for me to hear. "Oh,okay," I answered before pulling him to an empty classroom.

I let go of his hand (it was so soft and warm that I could hold it forever) and stared at him,waiting for him to tell me what he wanted to say. I could see that he was squirming a little,still playing with his jacket. I then heard a sigh before he looked up at me with a flustered face. "I-I like you," Mark confessed. After he said that, he stared back down onto the floor. I was in daze. I couldn't believe what was happening. My long time crush was confessing to me. My silence may have been a wrong signal for Mark as he apologized,"I'm sorry. Its okay if you don't feel the same. I just want to get it off my chest-" "I like you too," I cut him off, a small smile on my face. He glanced at me in surprise before a shy smile found its way to his face.

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