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It's dark even if he's in a bright place. It's so dark to Jinyoung's eyes. Even in such a wide place,he feels trapped in a ice cold cubicle. Everytime when he does finds a loophole to escape,it turns out to be an illusion and all he could do is accept and stay. Again.

Such a lovely heart Jinyoung has. A glass heart shatters every day when Mark comes. To him,the broken pieces are nothing but beautiful so he repeats it over and over just to see Jinyoung break,letting the glass in him slowly wreck down into tiny shards. It always bring satisfaction to Mark and it's lovely to him.

One day. Jinyoung swears. One day he will make it out here,out of Mark Tuan's cage he had pushed him into and forever locked,the key gone from the surface of the earth. No matter how long it takes,Jinyoung will escape. In that suffocating cage,all Jinyoung feels is death. He wants a place to hide so badly. Jinyoung's former one ended up being a lie,a toxic lie. Toxic makes Jinyoung fear,that fear keeping him away from freedom. And because of it, Jinyoung doesn't think he'll ever leave.

Poison. Acid. Words and actions from Mark burns Jinyoung skin. No matter how sweet and genuine they are,Jinyoung sees the disgusting gaze behind everything and it makes him puke. Tear him to pieces,he wants to say. Skin to bone,anything to make the feeling go away. So that when it does disappear,he can finally tell himself 'welcome home.'

It never happens because Jinyoung doesn't dare. He's still a coward and lets his lovely heart break so easily by his master. Such lovely being,Mark loves to say with that disgusting smirk. Jinyoung feels shivers,unable to breath for a moment as he knows. He always knows what happens after that. Hit after hit,words after words,rape after rape,it doesn't ends. It never will permanently.

Jinyoung loves forgetting about the time. When he does,every nightmare goes away,opening a clear path for the light. People call it headspace, Jinyoung calls it sweet relief. Soothing and sweet for a moment and he returns to the bitter before he goes back again. The process repeats and repeats. Till when? Jinyoung doesn't know.

Isn't it lovely,Jinyoung? How the brain is as hard as a stone yet the heart is as fragile as glass? Like yours. So lovely. Mark says,smile always creepy as always,filled with overflowing domination and obsession. No,Jinyoung wants to say. It's torture and ugly,Jinyoung wants to say but for some reason,his lips are glued shut. Ever since he stepped foot into the chambers,Jinyoung was forced to sew his mouth close,no matter how much he wants to let his words bleed out.



Mentally unstable.




The cause of my misery.

My life breaker.

Yet,Jinyoung's lips shuts close,hiding every word behind him in the deep place in his heart,away from Mark Tuan's hands. Jinyoung badly wants to go into his sweet relief,but chains hold him back. Those chains only break free when Mark's unconscious. Only then but time passes quick,making it so short. Jinyoung's okay with it,as long as he gets a break from the monster beside him.

"Shut the fuck up,you whore!" Jinyoung could only mum his whimpers as Mark whipped his body with a leather belt,leaving red lines across his fragile shaking figure. Again,Jinyoung feels it once more. The cracking feeling on his heart. The sound that may soothe Mark if he hears it. Music to his ears,he'll say. But he doesn't and it doesn't change anything. Jinyoung's still trapped and he will always be Mark's little pet,nothing more.

After the long torture,Mark immediately replaces his crazy smirk with a sickening smile that riles up Jinyoung's stomach,making him having the wants to puke. A kiss lands on his sweaty forehead as he cries silently,ignoring the fact that the glass has long shattered,waiting for Jinyoung to patch it up like he does every night.

"Good night,lovely."

Such a sick man. As soon as Mark leaves for his room,Jinyoung limps quickly over to the bathroom,throwing up into the toilet bowl with his back hunched over. Jinyoung caught the sour smell as he lets himself fall over onto the floor,his body curling up into a ball,shaking like a leaf. Why can't he leave? Why can't he get help? Jinyoung knows the answer better than anyone.

Why? Because,unfortunately,he still loves the monster. He can't find himself to hate Mark. He can't ever imagine his life without the older in it,torturing him every day,giving him wounds on his body and heart.

Jinyoung is Mark's lovely and nothing will change that. Where the monster hides,is where Jinyoung's home is,no matter how bad and suffocating it is.

Welcome home,Jinyoung whispers.

A/N:Billie Eilish is queen,stan her. 

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