Miss Me?

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Mornings are always different to everyone. Some wake up peacefully,spending more time in bed while some wake up by force,having to leave the comfy bed to start their day.

Well,Jinyoung's morning is always beautiful,with his pretty angel sleeping beside him and the bright lights shining down into their bedroom. Black and white feathers that had accidentally shed off from their wings would dance around gracefully around the room,sometimes landing on their bed. He would hear the slight singing and the strumming of harps from the cupids coming from the outside of their love nest,setting a slightly romantic atmosphere.

Mark would always be up first,letting Jinyoung steal his warmth from his body by cuddling closer. There were times where Jinyoung would end up with his head on Mark's tummy or chest,his position all curled up like a newborn baby as Mark sat against the headboard,just watching as his lover sleep peacefully with his hands caressing Jinyoung's head. The rare times when Jinyoung was the early bird between them was equally loving and comfortable. The fallen angel's long and slender fingers would be there,tracing around the angel's facial features,always starting from his forehead down to his lips. His fingers would then be replaced with his lips,slowly leaving wet kisses until Mark whined and squirm underneath him adorably,pushing him away weakly with his hands but it always end up with Jinyoung taking them and intertwine their fingers that fit perfectly like those puzzles he saw humans spend long hours on.

After that,it always the same,the couple spending their time just staring into each other's eyes with affection and love and their voices no more than a whisper. Sweet kisses would be shared and passionate,deep ones would sometimes join in too.

Let's just say Jinyoung's mornings are always perfect for him.

All except today.

When Jinyoung woke up,he wasn't met with his lover's presence but instead an empty bed. He groaned at that as he buried his face into the pillow,as if he was throwing a tantrum by suffocating himself. Like that would have Mark immediately poofing into the house for him. Well,Mark didn't but a scroll did. The scroll opened itself up and Mark's angelic voice could be heard around the room.

"Good morning,love. I'm sorry I can't be there when you wake up but there's an emergency in the headquarters and I'm needed there. I won't be around for the day so find things to do like going down to the human world and help them,like I guided you to. I love you so much and I know you feel the same,or not more. Oh and Jinyoung,stop suffocating yourself. You're already dead,it won't work."

The scroll then rolled back up and disappeared into a mess of sparkles and glitters. Jinyoung was going to have to clean them up later. That was enough to bring annoyance to him. Letting out another groan,the fallen angel forced himself out of bed and landed his feet on the cool ground,ignoring the fact that he had stepped on the glitters. That would be a nuisance to get off. As he was washing himself,he was thinking of what to do for the day. Mark being the one that controls and guides him around,Jinyoung never really experience a day without the angel. Ever since Mark took him under his watch,Jinyoung only followed and did tasks given by the headquarters. So,technically,Jinyoung have absolutely no idea what to do when Mark wasn't there to give tasks and instructions. Was he useless? No,he just doesn't know how to function without Mark....okay maybe he is a tad little.

But could you blame him? Not really. He's just too whipped and besides,lovers are stronger together and that's just his excuse so do spare him.

Before another glitter sparkle roll of scroll could poof out of nowhere to nag him to get out of the bathroom,Jinyoung got out before he had more glitter to clean up. He decided that he really had nothing to do and he missed Mark so he's just gonna go to the headquarters to look for his angel.

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