The Slight Bump In Our Relationship

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"If you're so tired of me,why are still with me then?! Might as well get a divorce because it will just make my fucking life better!"

Mark gasped at that as he gritted his teeth in anger,glaring at the taller yet younger man that stood in front of him. He mirrored the older's expression after spitting out his argument. "Maybe I will! You're so cantankerous sometimes! I wish I hadn't met you so that I won't have to deal with someone so stupid and frustrating like you! Maybe that's why your parents left! Because they're tired of tolerating your uncooperative ass!"

Mark never meant it. He never meant any word that came out of his mouth from anger but at that moment,he was careless. Without thinking,he just lets the poison out just to hurt the one he loves dearly. And he regrets it immediately because he may have hurt Jinyoung but his plan backfired when he saw the flash of hurt in the younger's eyes. The topic of Jinyoung and his parents were never spoken out loud in the years of their relationship. Mark knew that very well yet...he used it to snap back at Jinyoung.

He was ashamed. Mark felt so disgusted by himself that he wanted to disappear. So he did. After letting out a trembling breath, Mark sobbed and ran out of their apartment,unable to handle the image of Jinyoung's betrayed face anymore.

Mark took himself to where his feet had lead him to and the result was his best friend's house. Not even bothering to fix his appearance, Mark rang the doorbell and immediately jumped into Jackson's arms when the other opened the door. Jackson was startled and concerned when he felt his pajamas getting wet. "What's wrong,honey?"

"W-We got into an argument." Mark said through hiccups.

"Aww,come in. It's cold. We'll talk inside." Jackson cooed, dragging his best friend into the apartment gently like Mark was fragile as glass. When they both were seated on the couch, Jackson wiped away Mark's tears as he asked,"What happened? You guys have never fought before,like ever."

"It's stupid. I...I understand that he's tired. Working in the office for hours as the CEO,I understand that it's stressful but I want his company at home too. J-Jinyoung always works and works that he never realised that I feel alone. I'm his husband but it seems like I'm not these days. It's my fault that we argued. I shouldn't have asked him to take a day off tomorrow so that we can spend it together. I was so stubborn even when he said he can't because there will be an important meeting tomorrow. I kept on persisting and he ended snapping at me. It was the first and I-I did not know how to react so I snapped back. After that, insult by insult started going back and forth between me and him until he said that if we divorced...his life would be better. I was hurt by that so I just..I-I brought up his parents."

" know how he is with his parents..."

"I know! I know that's why I ran away from him because I just felt so guilty and disgusted of myself. I'm such a coward..." Mark sniffed,wiping the salty tears from his face harshly with the back of his hand. "I hate myself so much right now,Gaga. His face was just so painful to watch. He looked so betrayed by me for the first time. What do I do,Gaga? I don't want to go back there because I know he hates me now and we will get a divorce as soon as he sees me. I can't live without him. I need him in my life."

Jackson sighed and pulled the older closed to him as comfort,feeling Mark relaxing under his hold. "Apologise to Jinyoung. And talk to him about what you feel when he's not there with you. I'm sure he'll understand."

"Now?" Mark whimpered in fear.

"No,tomorrow. You'll need to clear your head so that when you do talk to Jinyoung,you'll be less afraid. I won't let you go to him now when you're such a wreck." Jackson sighed. "Let's sleep,okay? Do you want to sleep with Bambam and me or do you want to take the guest room?"

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