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I slowly opened my eyes, blinking repeatedly to get use to the bright sunlight that shone into the room. I then felt a slight movement on my chest. I glanced down and a smile immediately found its way to my face. There he was. My love. My everything sleeping ever so soundly beside me, snuggling against my side with his head laying on my chest.

Mornings like these were my favourite. When he's still not awake, I get to appreciate his beauty quietly. I like to trace my finger along his flawless face. Starting from his eyes to his lips. Everything about him was perfect. I sometimes wonder what I did in my past life to have him as mine. He just looked too good to be true.

My finger stopped on those luscious lips. I replaced my finger with my lips, connecting it with his. Kissing him felt like heaven. His lips so soft and addicting that I could kiss him the whole day without feeling sick of it. How can I?

I smiled when I felt him kiss back. I pulled away and my eyes met his beautiful ones. I tucked away a stray strand of his hair and caressed his cheeks, watching as he leaned into my touch.

Looking at each other without needing to say anything, we understood each other perfectly. I pulled him closer, nuzzling my nose into his fluffy hair, sniffing in the scent of his shampoo. I heard him let out a sigh of satisfaction as he buried his face into my chest, his arms wrapping around my torso tightly.

"Do you want to wake up?" I asked softly, feeling his head slightly shaking in protest after. "Okay then. We'll sleep in," I chuckled and planted a kiss on his head. It was a lazy Saturday afterall, no rushing to classes, no breakfast, only lunch. It was a perfect morning. Honestly, I don't recall any morning being bad if I have him beside me. Like I said, perfect.

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