All These Years

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Watching you walk down the path, I smile for you. All these years that I've been beside you. You've grown so much. We've grown so much together. We never left each other's side, always here for the other.

Your hair has grown a little longer. The hair black hair that my fingers used to comb through. The hair that you never want to dye no matter what. I still remember the only colour you willing to dye was the colour brown but it was so dark that I didn't know until you were under the sunlight.

Your arms look a little stronger. I remembered those arms that I used to cling on. The arms that help me from the bullies. The arms that gave me warmth whenever I needed it.

Your eyes just as I remember. It still shines as much as last time. Still beautiful to look at. Those pair of brown orbs that used to stare right at mine when I lied to you. The wrinkles you get around them every time you smile.

Smile. It became softer. It was my favourite smile in the world. I even told myself that I could watch that pretty smile my whole life and I would be satisfied. I love making those lips curl up so that I could see it. The lips that I always wanted to claim everytime I see it.

I was so happy when I heard from you so suddenly. You left me 5 years ago. But who I was to stop you, I was just your best friend. And now you came back. It made me so happy that you remembered me.

But, my happiness got crushed down. Why? You only came to me so that you could invite me to your event. It was just a quick chat and you had to go. You left without knowing what I wanted to say to you. All the feelings I've kept bottled up after all these years.

I saw you again but I never went up to you. You were busy so I did the stupidest thing I could think of. I followed you to make sure of my stupid thoughts. I overheard you and I was never prepared for something like this.

I went home after that. Letting it all out on Jackson. The memories we had, suddenly all came back even if I tried not to think of it all these years. Jackson could never know what I feel. I knew he pitied me. How could he have known what I feel. No one will know. Only I know what I'm after all these years.

I should've told you. That was my only thought as I see her walk down the aisle to you. She was beautiful.

My feelings. Everything I felt for you whenever you're near. All the fluttering. The butterflies and fireworks happening in my tummy. My love for you. I should've told you. If I did, maybe I would be in her place right now. I wouldn't be hurting so much.

All these years, a lot changed but my feelings for you did not. It still remained unrequited and it will remain as it is.

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