Red Chrysanthemums Means I Love You

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Mark just got back home from a photoshoot and it was a long day for him with staffs and make up artists running and fussing around him. He just wanted to get home and cuddle with his precious youtuber boyfriend and end his day just like that. Sighing,the model slipped off his shoes and stepped foot into his living room. His boyfriend was nowhere to be found. Mark found it weird as Jinyoung would always be relaxing on the couch while waiting for his return but he was too tired to even think anything about it so he brushed it off and decided to just call out for his boyfriend.

"Jinyoung! Where are you? I'm home." A few moments later,he could hear feet pattering against their marble floor and it was soon when Mark saw Jinyoung appearing from their bedroom. Even in his tired state,the older managed to give Jinyoung a smile as he approached the other,the younger doing the same. The model then clung his arms lazily around Jinyoung's shoulder,burying his face into the crook of Jinyoung's neck as he took in the familiar and comforting scent of his younger boyfriend.

"Long day?" Jinyoung asked,one hand caressing the back of the older's head while the other rested on Mark's waist. All he got was a low hum from his lover before he felt Mark nuzzling his face deeper into his neck. "Wanna sit down,babe?" Without hearing his response,Jinyoung was already pulling Mark towards their sofa and plopping both of their bodies onto the soft furniture.

"I'm so fucking tired. They kept on rushing me here and there,not even letting me breathe for one second. I felt like dying but I survived. How about you,babe? What did you do today?" The model asked after sharing about his day. Sharing their days were an everyday thing for the couple as they loved to know what each other had gone through during the day without being together. It may be a normal day without any interesting moments yet it would always be shared between them.

"Well I did some editing for like four hours or something and just went out for a walk. After that,I went to our usual cafe and hung out there for quite some time before I went home and lazed around until you came home." Something about Jinyoung's voice was unsettling to Mark. They had been together for quite a while now so Mark could easily sense something wrong with the other and vice versa.

Mark squinted his eyes slightly at his boyfriend before he nodded hesitantly,blurting out,"Are you sure? Because it sounds like you're lying or leaving something out." Jinyoung shook his head at that,weirdly avoiding the model's eyes. "You're acting very weird but I'm too tired to even play Sherlock Holmes with you right now so I'm going to wash up and sleep. We'll talk tomorrow."

With that,the model sighed and stood up,letting his feet drag his body to their shared bedroom. The first thing he saw when he entered the room was a bouquet of flowers laying on their bed with a card beside it. Mark beamed up,thinking that it was for him until he actually read the words written neatly on the card which by the way,didn't belong to Jinyoung. He was confused.

'Thanks for being my partner for the meeting yesterday. I had a very great time with you and I think we click quite well with each other. Maybe we should go on another date sometimes. I was hoping tomorrow maybe? Text me when you have decided.



'What the fuck?' Mark thought,his hands clenching onto the edges of the card,slightly crumpling it in his fingers. Jinyoung never mentioned anything about a meeting and he definitely never mentioned about someone named Mino and going out with him while he,his boyfriend,worked his ass off. He wasn't going to jump into any assumptions but the statement 'another date' could only mean that the meeting they had was a freaking date. Mark then heard some rustling sounds by the door,knowing very well that it was Jinyoung standing there. He refused to look at him so with his head hung low,the model managed to muster out his question. "Explain,Jinyoung. What's this and who's this Mino you hung out with yesterday? Oh,and a date as well. Or did my name suddenly changed from Mark to Mino because if it did,please elaborate."

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