Through The Eyes Of His

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It was a fact that Youngjae is adored by everyone in school, especially his senior named Mark Tuan. They were basically brothers,seeing the tight bond they had created. Youngjae was a year under the older so they could only hang out during lunch times and after school but it never made their relationship any distant. They shared the same dorm room so that made it better for the two.

Secrets were nonexistent between them,or so that was what Youngjae thought until Mark pulled him to the side and warned him not to get close to his crush,Im Jaebum. When he asked for a reason, he got none but a hurtful expression on Mark's face. The older said nothing but only gave a stern face as a warning. That was when Youngjae knew that there was something he was hidden from and he wanted to know.

No matter how much Youngjae tried to obey Mark's words,he ended up talking to his crush but he never intended to,Jaebum approached him. Apparently,him avoiding the older was so obvious so Jaebum thought that he had did something wrong. Being a naive and straightforward boy, Youngjae blurted out the reason and immediately, he knew something was definitely hidden from him and it included Jaebum himself. Jaebum just looked uncomfortable and stuttered out some incoherent words before leaving the younger in the hallway,standing alone. And it got Youngjae thinking,What the hell is going on?

When Youngjae got back to his shared dorm,he saw Mark making dinner for them. Usually, he would be excited but at that moment, he just wanted to know. So, he lets the question slip out of his mouth. "Mark hyung, why can't I hang out with Jaebum hyung?"

At that,Mark halted his actions and his body tensed up. His reaction worried the younger badly. He could see the trembling hands of Mark's as the other said,"Just don't. Please. It will keep you safe from pain."

Youngjae wasn't going to back down because that answer was not enough to make him stop. "What do you mean? Be precise. I don't understand. I get it if you hate him and you don't want to hang out with him but why can't I-"

"Because you can't! You'll get hurt because they're the same!" Mark snapped, throwing the spatula down harshly. Turning the gas off, he sighed and whispered,"Im Jaebum is no different than him. They play with everyone like a fucking doll and throws it away when it's useless. Just like he did."

"Who is this 'he'? Hyung, you know you can tell me right? I won't judge you."

"You really want to know,Jae? Then I'll tell you after dinner. Don't blame me if you end up despising your crush." Mark said, his voice laced with no emotion as he turned the stove back on and continued cooking the almost burnt food.

Dinner was quiet...and a little awkward but Youngjae made it through. When Mark picked up his and Youngjae's empty plate and headed towards the sink to wash them, the younger strode along the room until he reached the sofa, plopping himself down as he waited for Mark to finish. Youngjae averted his eyes upwards,just boring his eyes into the ceiling until a weight sank down on the sofa, making him turn to face the older who only had an unknown expression.

"It all started when I moved here from Los Angeles." Mark started without waiting for Youngjae to say anything. "Sure,I speak Korean fluently but that doesn't mean that I can be social so I was quiet, even quiet than I an now. I only talk when it's necessary. One day,10 words max. My roommate got so annoyed by the silence that he asked to move out since it's really awkward and just uncomfortable. I went with it because honestly I prefer rooming by myself. Don't know if you heard of him or not but I'm sure you did since you stalk Jaebum. His name is Jackson and he's a social butterfly so him not wanting to room with me is totally logical."

"Anyways, my life was the same. Just keeping myself away from the world as best as I could until one day,he stepped foot into my world. He was the best yet the worst. He befriended me unlike everybody else. I thought that maybe he was different so I made my worst decision I could have make in my life. I trusted and loved him. He was there every time,every bad or good times I experienced. I was happy. But it ended when he broke up with me, revealing that I was nothing but a bet, a fucking prize. I hate that I still love him but I can't help it. No matter how much hurt he put me through, I cannot stop the love from growing more and more."

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