Last Blue Moon

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I let out a shaky breath as I watch the scene unfold before my eyes. Tears fall and my heart breaks into pieces. I don't reveal myself and walk home with my head hanging low to hide my tears.

"I should have listened," I say to Jaebum who's consoling me. Many thoughts are in my mind and all of them hurt. I then realise that I should stop trying to lie to myself when I saw the truth right in front my eyes.

I thought I had a healthy and happy relationship but I'm wrong. That explains all the sneaking out at night, the messages. His sudden change of password. Every single secretive actions, I should have known but I'm so blinded from my love to realize. Now that I think of it, he sucks at hiding the clues, I'm the one that's dumb.

"So what are you going to do?" Jaebum asks. I smile sadly before telling him my plan. What I plan will never make him feel the hurt I felt but I can't just leave without doing anything. It would be rude.

Packing everything into my luggage is the first thing I do before he comes home. I leave out the things that he had gifted me except for the rose bookmark. The first thing he gave me. It hurts the most but it's something I can't leave behind. At first, it would pain me but I know it will eventually become a memory for me. A good one I hope. No matter how much I despise him, I want him to become a part of the memories I had in life.

Pushing the luggage into the hidden corner, I hear the sound of jingling keys. I drag myself to the door like usual to welcome him home. Giving him the smile that he loves-loved, I take his hand in mine and pull him into the house. He acts like everything is fine, like he didn't just kiss another so lovingly the other day. If he's going to act like this, then I'll play along too.

Dinner is happy like usual. Questions about each other's day are asked and answers are given. Even though everything is going normally, there is a slight change that I didn't realise before. The emotion in his eyes is gone. Nothing is there, the love I used to see, the honesty, everything disappeared. This is not him anymore, this is a stranger.

Seducing him to have sex is easy. I give into every touch he gives, just as he wants. Tears fall during the process but he would never know what the tears stand for. After he's done, I stand up ignoring the pain shooting up my spine and put my clothes on. Taking the luggage, I walked out the door. Surprisingly, he calls for me so I turn around, taking out a piece of letter and shove it into his hand. I leave immediately.

Deja vu

BunnyPeach One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now