You Keep Me Comin' For You

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The moment Yugyeom heard the door to his room slammed closed followed by the spot beside him on the bed dipped,he sighed and spared Mark a glance. The bunny hybrid was clearly sulking,with big fat drops of tears threatening to fall accompanied with drooping ears. The younger had a hunch on what had happened but he asked anyway.

"What now?"

Mark's bottom lip trembled slightly as the bunny buried his head into Yugyeom's tummy area,letting out a strangled whine. "Jinyoung wants a break. What should I do?"

Yugyeom had a hunch something did happen between the couple. They were pretty on and off these days. Things weren't going their way obviously. When it was fine on Mark's side,problems occur on Jinyoung's side and vice versa. Last time,Mark avoided Jinyoung due to some misunderstandings and his jump-into-conclusions behaviour. Usually,they're soulmates with the same brain cell but nowadays? A catastrophe. That's what they are.

"Well,you must have done something. What happened?" Yugyeom prayed to god that it wouldn't be another misunderstanding and stupid drama scene Mark created in his pretty head because he's sure he can't handle another cupid job. He never gets paid for this when he should and he's offended. Of course,the wolf hybrid never voiced it out,scared of hurting the bunny's pure and naive heart which could possibly lead him to being bitten to death by a certain puppy hybrid. That gave him the shivers despite his figure towering Jinyoung.

"Well,someone was getting too close to Jinyoung so I pushed her away and she kinda...hurt her arm?"

"Is that supposed to be a question?"

"Okay,fine. She hurt her arm and I was ashamed. But that time,my pride was high! So...I...blamed it on her." The last statement was murmured out lowly but having great hearing senses,Yugyeom caught it and he regretted ever being proud of his ability. He was feeling second-hand embarrassment for the bunny hybrid. At the same time,he also wanted to slap down his stupid pride.

Mark caught Yugyeom's look of deadpan and he sighed,waving him away,"I know. I'm stupid but I can't help it. She just got too close to him and I got possessive."

"You know that you can trust Jinyoung,right? He will never do those shitty things to you."

"Yeah but I don't trust that girl. Who knows,maybe one day she'll be successful in snatching him away. Judging by our status now,she might as well be laughing because she just got her chance." Yugyeom could catch the bitterness in Mark's tone and he can't really blame the boy even when this whole thing was his fault. Mark has always been clingy to his loved ones due to the fear of losing them. The bunny hybrid learnt it through the hard way and swore to never let loose of anyone that holds dear to his heart.

But sometimes the bunny hybrid never realises that he really didn't have to do that. Yugyeom has told him numerous times that people who really cares for him never leave and fuck those who don't. Jinyoung and Yugyeom were definitely involved in the Mark protection centre circle. Somehow,his words never seem to stay for a long period as Mark was expected to feel the same thing again.

It was frustrating sometimes for not only Jinyoung,but Yugyeom too. Why can't Mark just see that they really won't leave him for someone else? It pained them to feel that Mark doubt them a lot. The older never knew of those feelings since he had his own to worry about. The wolf and puppy hybrid both decided to never add more onto his plate but it was obvious Jinyoung had enough.

"Jinyoung loves you. This break doesn't mean he'll go around for another,okay?" Yugyeom pointed out. "Also,this break may be a good time for you to reflect on what you did and why you shouldn't in the future."

"I miss him!" the bunny hybrid whined,rolling off from Yugyeom's body and letting his head land on the pillow. "Maybe I should stalk him."

"You never listen,do you? It's called a break for reason! I won't have you crying to me because you fucked up more on your relationship by being yandere."

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