Radio Romance

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Mark greeted the staff at the radio station before taking his seat and reading the script that was handed to him kindly. He works as a dj and has his own radio broadcast show that airs every thursday night. Mark enjoys his work since it's fun.

Adjusting his headphones, Mark cleared his throat before starting the broadcast with his usual greeting. "Hi guys. This is Nighty Night with Mark and as usual, I'm Mark,your dj. We're gonna start of with some concerns that were sent in." Comments about him started flooded in as it was a viewable broadcast. Some were about how good he looked, some were concerns about life and others...was about his boyfriend,Park Jinyoung.

Jinyoung's an idol. A very famous one at that. He's in a group called Got6 with five other members. They met when the group first came to the radio station and Jinyoung walked up to him after the broadcast ended to ask if they could hang out and after a few months,they ended up seeing each other for a few weeks before they made it official between themselves. Their relationship was exposed by dispatch when they were having their date in the park and Mark had to admit that it was partly his fault since he was the one that suggested coming to a place that wasn't completely empty and private. Jinyoung decided to confirm the rumours and it had been a rollercoaster ride for both of them during the period but the news died down after two weeks, leaving the couple alone to date happily. They do get hate comments here and there but they learnt to ignore them because it never bothered them from the start anyways. Haters gonna hate.

Mark laughed at the comments about his boyfriend as he joked,"I said concerns,guys. Not about my love life but in case you want to know, it's going great." Of course,they don't stop so Mark brushed them off and read the very few concerns that popped up on the screen in front of him.

"I think studying is not enough if you don't really understand the topic. I highly suggest you to understand what you're not clear about instead of just memorising everything for the test. I hope my advice can help you improve with your studies and good luck on your exams!" Mark cheered,before the call ended. He really liked helping people with their troubles as much as he could with what he had experienced in his life, that was only part of the reason why he liked his job.

Knowing that it was time for his short break, Mark pushed his headphones down, letting them hand over his neck as he took a mouthful of water to satisfy his thirst after talking for a long period. He tapped his fingers on the table as music played through the studio while bobbing his head up and down slightly. Grinning when the music came to an end, he put on his headphones back and cheerfully said,"Welcome back to Nighty Night with Mark! There,guys. We have just listened to Voices by Stray Kids that is highly commented by our viewers and I must say,it's a good choice. Now,let's continue into our next-" Just then, one of the staff signalled that there was one call that just entered last minute. Being a person that never backed down from requests,Mark agreed to take the call. "Seems like we're gonna have to postpone our next section because another call has entered and the staff kept on persisting me to take it. Hello!" Mark greeted,only to get shocked when a familiar voice greeted him back.


Mark grinned playfully and asked,"What is your concern for the day?"

The voice that answered was laced with tease,"Well,I am too in love with someone that I feel like it would kill me. What should I do?"

Snorting silently,Mark shook his head in amusement,"Then I think you should just let it kill you,Park Jinyoung-ssi."

"I'm hurt,love."Jinyoung feigned hurt and Mark could imagine the pout on his boyfriend's face just by his voice but he knew it was all play and no bite. "But I'm serious. I love you so much that it's starting to become a serious problem."

Raising an eyebrow up,Mark was curious. "And why is that?"

"Because if that happens, I won't be able to deny you and I would do anything for you. I'm scared. You're quite a demanding one."

Giggling out loud,the dj just nodded in agreement. Mark is quite demanding that he didn't even want to defend the statement as he knew how true it was. "Well,then it seems that it's advantage for me so I suggest you to keep falling for me and I'll do the same." Mark was full on smiling and lovestruck just by listening to his boyfriend's voice, it always made him feel things. Good ones,of course. "Why did you call? I'm doing my work right now." The dj whined playfully. He would throw away his job anytime just for Jinyoung.

"Really? I don't know,sorry." Jinyoung laughed. Idiot. He knew very well of Mark's schedules like the back of his hand that he sometimes mistaken the idol as his manager instead of his boyfriend. "Just kidding. I called you to ask if you have seen my favourite hoodie but I think I know the answer already. Why did you steal my clothes?! You thief!"

Mark gasped and placed his palm on his chest as he leaned nearer to the microphone,"Me? I'm no thief! What are you talking about? Besides,you said it looks cuter on me."

"So you do admit that you stole it?"

"...No. What are you saying? I didn't steal it. I borrowed it."

"Don't lie on broadcast,baby. You're live right now." Jinyoung laughed. "That's what you say every time I find my clothes missing and they never come back so just say you stole it and I won't be mad. Promise."

"...Fine. They're comfy and they smell like you so you can't blame me." Mark pouted, his hands fiddling with the end of the hoodie as he hid his face deeper into the clothing. He saw comments flooding in about how adorable the couple was and he could feel a sense of pride filling in his chest.

"Yah,don't pout,I'm watching you now. You can take as many as you want but please return them. I am almost out of clothes to wear by now."

"I took that many?"

"I don't know. Did you?"

"I think I did. Sorry~" Mark sheepishly smiled. He could hear Jinyoung's million dollar laugh clearly and it was making the dj's heart flutter rapidly.

"I'm joking. You do look cute in my clothes,no lie. I actually just called because I missed your voice." The idol said.

"You drove me here like half an hour ago." Mark giggled.

"Hey,it's still a long time. Anyways,I need to go now. I have a schedule in a few minutes."

Mark hummed fondly in return before muttering loud enough for his voice to be captured by the mic,"Okay. See you later. Love you."

"Love you too."

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