Jackson? More Like Satan!

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"Are you serious right now?"


"So taking MY boyfriend away from me for fucking 24hours is serious?"

"Yeah, do I need to say it in another language? Okay no problem," Jackson repeated what he said in cantonese.

"What the fuck did you even say?! You know what, that doesn't even matter. What matters is that you're taking Mark away from me and that is a fucking no! Does he even know about this?!"

"I am his best friend. I was his knight and everything before you came and flirt with him with those stupid lame pick up lines. That meant I had him first so you have no say in this," Jackson answered dramatically, wiping away his fake tears as he glared at his best friend's boyfriend.

"Excuse me?!"

"You're excused,"

"FYI, those pick up lines were the best and i do have a say in this. You didn't even answer my question! Does Mark know about this?"

"Umm, guys. I'm literally right here," Mark fidgeted awkwardly in his seat beside Jinyoung.

"Oh great timing darling. Now did you know that a satan is about to snatch you away from me? Horrible!" Jinyoung said, his arm going around the older's shoulder.

"Can you guys stop bickering for once? And yes Jinyoung, I do know that Gaga-"

"Satan," Jinyoung cuts him off.

"Gaga is taking me out. It's just a date between best friends. Come on Jinyoung, it has been quite a while since we hung out," Mark rolled his eyes.

"You guys just did, a week ago," the taller raised his eyebrows.

Jackson swatted his hand at Jinyoung," That's quite a long time,"

"Pleaseeee~"Mark whined,his lips jutted out to form a pout, knowing that it makes Jinyoung weak.

"Don't fall for it. Don't fall for it. You're better than this Jinyoung. You're JYP. You need to hold it it," Jinyoung muttered, closing his eyes and took a deep breathe, ignoring Jackson chanting in the background," Yas, fall for it. Do it, fall for it,"

"Nyoung~Baby please?"Mark continued trying, smirking when he saw Jinyoung trying to hide his smile. He was close to success.

"...Fine," Jinyoung sighed and agreed. The best friends stood up and cheered loudly, high fiving each other. "I knew I raised you well," Jackson said proudly as they both sat down.

"But, I have rules," Jinyoung said, a little salty.

"You're no fun,"

"Shut up. First, no galbitang for him, he had his already this week. Second, don't influence him with your kink ideas. Third, don't let anyone but you touch him, if they do, you know your job. Fourth, bring him home safely. Finally, I want cuddles after he comes back,"

"DEAL! You can have something more than cuddles though,"

"GAGA!" Mark shrieked in embarrassment.

"I meant kisses. Dude, why are you so perverted?" Jackson laughed.

Jinyoung then leaned down beside Mark's ear and whispered," We could do that if you want,"

Jackson chuckled when he saw his best friend's flushed cheeks and shook his head in amusement," I don't even want to know what you said to him but sure, do whatever you want with him once he gets home,"

"Deal, so when are you guys-"

"Right now," Jackson replied, standing up to take Mark's hand and rushing out of the cafe with Jinyoung who was still shocked in his place.

When Jinyoung realized what happened, the two were already out of sight, making him cursed under his breath and groaned loudly, plopping his head on the table.


"Bye Gaga!" Mark waved goodbye at his best friend while unlocking the door to his shared apartment with Jinyoung.

It was almost midnight when he came home. If it wasn't for Mark who pleaded Jackson to let him go home to his boyfriend, he knew he would be back the next morning and that's bad. Mark knew Jinyoung can't sleep well without him and his boyfriend not sleeping well is a no-no for him.

"I'm back," Mark whispered softly to the lump that was lying on the couch, looking almost dead. The lump immediately moved and a head popped up from the couch.

"Hi," the older smiled. Jinyoung just reached his limbs out to Mark and made grabby hands, reminding the older of a baby wanting something very badly. Complying his boyfriend's wants, he walked to the pair of open arms and was immediately pulled down onto Jinyoung's lap.

"No more hanging out with Jackson for two months,"Jinyoung grumbled, nuzzling his head into the crook of the older's neck and hugging his petite waist tightly.

"And why is that?" Mark chuckled, carding his hand through the soft dark locks that he loved so much. He felt Jinyoung's hold on his waist tighten, the younger nuzzling his nose against his neck.

"Because I want to sleep and I can't sleep without you and Jackson knows that but he still brought you home so late at night. I am not pleased," Jinyoung whined like a kid.

"Will you be pleased after all the cuddles you will get?" Mark grinned when he saw the other looked up with sparkly eyes and nodded. "Then let's go. We're not sleeping on a couch. I don't want to hear complaints about your back tomorrow,"

Mark shrieked when he was lifted up in the air so suddenly. "Warn me next time,asshole!" Jinyoung earned a hard slap on his shoulder, a wince escaping his lips. He carried the older into their bedroom and plopped down on the comfy bed, pulling Mark against his chest. He could feel his eyes getting very droopy immediately when he touched the bed.

Jinyoung let out a content sigh and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over him slowly. "Goodnight Nyoung," he heard Mark whispered.

The older then reached up to Jinyoung's forehead and gave him a kiss before resting his head back on the younger's chest, following Jinyoung to dreamland.

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