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"Can we get a dog?"

Jinyoung looked up from his phone when he heard his boyfriend,whose head was lying on his lap,asked.

"I thought you have Coco?"the younger raised his eyebrows before turning his attention back to the device on his hand. "B-But I can't see her often because she's living with Youngjae. I bet she doesn't even remember me anymore!" Mark pouted.

Jinyoung just sighed and shook his amusedly,"Babe, you're clearly overreacting. Dogs don't forget their owners that easily. If you go and visit her now, I can guarantee that she'll jump on you and forget that Youngjae was even there," "Fine maybe I am. But I still want one," "Mark baby, my lovely angel, our group can open a zoo with all the pets we have," "Another one doesn't hurt! Plus Bammie got another cat, so why can't I get another dog?!" At this rate, Mark was sitting upright, his pout not going away.

"Fine," "Yayy! I love you so much!" Jinyoung then got tons of kisses on his face, his phone dropping on the floor harshly but he wasn't complaining as the kisses can make up for his possibly broken phone.


"Gyeomie! We're getting a dog!"

The youngest just gave Mark a look before he let out a sigh and nodded. "Just train it properly so that it doesn't poop or pee everywhere like Coco. Remember that time she pooped in Jinyoung's favourite shoe and I thought he cursed during filming?"

"That was only one time-" "She peed on my bed," "Well-" "She ate Bob aka Jackson-hyung's plant," "That was Youngjae-" "She bit my shirt," "..." "So do we have a deal?" "...Okay...Jinyoung! Yugyeom is a meanie! He bullied me!"

Yugyeom just facepalmed and took a deep breath when Jinyoung came running into the youngest's room. "What the fuck did you do to my boyfriend?!" "Hyung. Relax, I didn't do anything. I just told Mark-hyung that he can have a dog but he must train it well so that we won't have to step on pee or poop everywhere we go. Remember Coco?"

"I don't want to. That was one of my favorite shoes. I'll make sure he does so that we won't have to go through it again," Jinyoung said, ignoring the betrayed look on his boyfriend's face. "Let's go beautiful. You promised me cuddles," Yugyeom watched as Jinyoung dragged a whining Mark away. The youngest just sighed again and continued reading his book.

"Wait! Gyeomie is reading a book! We have to capture this rare moment Jinyoung!" Footsteps could be heard as the door slammed open, revealing Mark with his phone. Yugyeom let out a groan while the oldest just took pictures of the annoyed boy.


"Babe, have you think about what breed you want?" Jinyoung asked the older who was busy stuffing himself with chicken. Mark swallowed his food and nodded. "Yeah, a teacup pomeranian," "Why though?" "I actually went through a website for an animal adoption center and the little furball caught my eyes so I picked him. And he's gonna arrive next week," "Next week?!" "Yeah, problem?" "We haven't even bought-" "I ordered it online and it's gonna come maybe tomorrow. Don't worry so much Jinyoung and eat your chicken before I eat it," Mark said before taking another bite of the chicken.

"Mark-hyung, you planned everything beforehand didn't you?" Yugyeom asked suspiciously. Mark just nodded and winked at the youngest. "Smartass," Jinyoung looked confused. "Before he asked permission from us, he has already adopted the dog. So even if we protested, the dog is still gonna arrive and we will have no choice to accept it," Yugyeom answered when he looked at Jinyoung's confused face, watching it slowly turn into a face of realization.

"Y-You...Seriously?!" "Yup. Now shut up and eat," Mark grinned.


"I'm gonna cry," "Babe don't-" "ITS SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!" "Did you just quote-you know what,nevermind. Anyways, what are you going to name him?"Jinyoung smiled, watching his boyfriend cuddling the little dog in his arms.

"I haven't really thought of yet though. Hmm, help me think Jinyoungie," Mark said cutely, making the younger's heart melt. He nodded and eventually Yugyeom joined them in thinking of a suitable name for the newest addition of Got7's family.




"Stop hanging out with Bammie,"


"Stop hanging out with my boyfriend,"

"Captain America?"

"Shut up and go to your room,"

"No, Imma sit here and think of a name for him. Baby Park?"

"Jinyoung hasn't proposed yet,"

Yugyeom just glared at the oldest and grumbled under his breath. "I'm hungry. Hyung, do we have any snacks?" "Yeah. I think there's some Hershey's in the cabinet," "JINYOUNG, YOU'RE A GENIUS. THAT'S WHY I LOVE YOU. Yugyeom, learn from my boyfriend," Mark hugged Jinyoung who was just simply clueless.

"Hershey," Mark giggled as he picked up the brown puppy. "Hershey it is then,"


At night, Mark and Jinyoung took a selfie on the bed with Hershey in the middle. The older then posted the photo on his Instagram, writing a caption that says: "Newest addition to the family! Hershey~" with some chocolate emojis to end it. Comments started flooding in. Many of them were about the puppy and there were also some about the couple themselves.


bambam1a Wait. Why didn't I know about this?

333cyj333 Coco's going to be jealous~

jacksonwang852g7 I am betrayed.

Mark and Jinyoung just laughed at the comments, not replying the three. The couple watched as the puppy slowly drifted off to sleep, making Mark squeal silently. "He should meet Coco," the older suggested. "Yeah, maybe they would be best friends,"


"MARK-HYUNG!!" Yugyeom's loud yell boomed through the dorm. The older ran towards the younger with a panicked look. "What?! Is there a fire?"

"Well I wish it was but no. Look at what Hershey did!" Yugyeom pointed at his shoes with an angry pout. "Hehe. Sorry," Mark sheepishly laughed.

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