Beside Me

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"L-Luna, are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Totally fine with a fucking baby ripping through my body! And where the hell is your alpha?!" Jinyoung hissed, letting out a painful scream as he felt another wave of pain pass through his fragile body. He reached out for the closest object he could find which ended up being Jaebum's hand, he took it and bit it hardly. Unfortunately for Jaebum, he had no choice but to endure it if he didn't want to make the luna angrier.

"Jinyoung, you have to do it now or else your baby's going to be in danger," Youngjae warned, squeezing Jinyoung's other hand but being the stubborn boy he was, the luna refused strongly. "No! I need him here, Youngjae. I won't do it without him. Where is he?" Jinyoung whimpered, finally pushing Jaebum's hand away while feeling guilty about the teeth marks that will last at least a few weeks.

Last week, Mark had to leave Jinyoung for some pack business. At first, the alpha planned to stay back as his mate was almost due but Jinyoung pushed him, saying that it may be important and serious. Youngjae did say that his due date would come any day, just not when Mark was away.

Jinyoung was getting a glass of water when he suddenly, he felt the contractions hit him suddenly. Dropping the glass on the floor, he screamed for Youngjae who immediately assist him to his bedroom. Yugyeom and Jackson went to get Mark who was in another town that was luckily, near to their territory but they were taking too long. Jaebum, the only alpha left in the house was in charge and hoped that he could calm the luna down with his presence. It did, but only for a while when Jinyoung realised that it was not his mate.

"I'm afraid you would have to. Jinyoung, please-"

"I am your fucking luna so you listen to me! If I say I want Mark here when I deliver my baby, then I fucking will and you will obey my wishes," Jinyoung growled, his orbs turning from warm brown to an intense bright blue. Youngjae bit his lips at the sudden command and eventually nodded. "Fine, but luna or not, if Mark isn't here after 5 minutes, you're doing it," Jinyoung glared at Youngjae but the latter seemed unfazed so he huffed and agreed.

Cries and whimpers of pain could heard throughout the pack house as the time passed by way too slow for Jinyoung's liking. He was about to give up the idea of waiting for his mate until the door to his bedroom slammed open. Relief was all Jinyoung felt when Mark stood there, sweating heavily with red eyes. Damn he's hot-

"Why did you take so fucking long?!" Jinyoung yelled, pushing the thought of how good looking his mate was away. It seemed like the child in Jinyoung's tummy could sense the presence of Mark, making the luna experience more pain. The head alpha finally snapped out of his thoughts as he rushed over to Jinyoung's side, pushing Jaebum away gently. "I'm sorry love. They didn't want to let me go until I told them you were having our child," Mark apologised, taking his mate's trembling hand in his, immediately feeling the hard squeeze Jinyoung gave. "F-Fuck them! I should have not force you to go if I knew this brat was gonna come out today," Jinyoung groaned, throwing his head back as he let out another painful scream.

"Mark, calm the baby down. It will make it easier for Jinyoung," Youngjae said, glancing at the head alpha. Mark nodded his head and obeyed, placing his free hand on top of Jinyoung's swollen tummy. "Calm down little one. You're hurting mummy here," Just like magic, it worked immediately. Jinyoung sighed and whispered a small thank you, earning a kiss on his temple.

"Are you ready,luna?"

"Yeah, we can start now," Jinyoung agreed, hearing Mark whispering sweet and comforting words into his ear. Youngjae placed a soaked warm towel on Jinyoung's forehead and positioned himself back between the luna's legs. He requested for everyone in the room to leave except for Mark and they easily complied.

Jackson just kept pacing back and forth, biting his nails to keep himself calm. Another painful whimper was heard from the room and all the others could do was wait and hope that their luna would be safe along with the newborn child. Bambam approached his mate and placed his hand on the other's shoulder before pulling him into a hug. "He'll be fine. Jinyoung's strong and you know that," the skinny boy muttered only for Jackson to hear. Jackson sighed and nodded,"Yeah you're right. He'll be fine. He's my best friend after all,"

Meanwhile in the room, Jinyoung was trying hard to keep his screams in, resulted in his lips bleeding from biting on it too harshly. "You're doing well, love. Just a little more till we can meet our little sunshine. You can do it," Mark said, his heart hurting for his mate. Jinyoung nodded and pushed harder, enduring the increasing pain on his lower region.

"Luna, you're almost done. I see the head, just one more push," Youngjae grinned. Letting go of his bruised and bleeding lips, Jinyoung finally let a loud scream leave as he did what Youngjae asked. Tears fell from his eyes, dripping down onto the pillow. Mark felt his hand being squeezed so hard that he was numb, but he didn't care. All that mattered was he was going to meet his child soon, and that made him excited and nervous at the same time. The idea of him becoming a father was nerve wracking.

Finally, a loud cry rang through the room. Jinyoung panted heavily as his body went limp, his hold on Mark's hand lessen but the grip was still there. "You did it baby. Good job, I'm so proud of you," Mark whispered and kissed his exhausted mate happily. Youngjae cleaned the newborn before wrapping the baby in a towel and handing it to the luna,"Congrats guys. An alpha girl,"

Jinyoung reached out slowly for his baby and pulled her close against his chest. The baby stopped crying when she sensed his presence and snuggled closer to him. Mark and Youngjae cooed at the sight as the former's finger went forward to trace the baby's cheeks. The finger was then hugged by the baby's tiny hands.

The couple's attention tore away from the baby when they heard the door open. Jackson was the first to approach them and he had a proud smile on his face. "An alpha?" Jinyoung nodded and returned the smile back. "She has Jinyoung's eyes and other than that, just you. Unfortunately," Youngjae joked, earning an offended look from the head alpha.

"What are you going to name her?" Yugyeom asked. Jinyoung shrugged his shoulders and glanced up at his mate for an answer. "Can we give her an english name?" "Why?" "Mama always wanted my child to have an English name and I want to grant her wish even though she's not here anymore," Mark explained, a sad smile painted on his face. Jinyoung mirrored his expression and agreed," Sure, love. You can. So do you have anything in mind?"

"Valerie. Valerie Tuan," Mark said, watching fondly as the baby sucked on his thumb. "What does it mean?" "It means that strong or brave in latin," Jinyoung repeated the name as the name rolled out smoothly off his tongue.

"Welcome to the family, our little Valerie."

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