愛你 (Love You)

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Who says only living things have feelings? It's the same for non-living things too. They too, have feelings just like us. I'm going to tell you a story about two dolls. It all started in a shop.

Once upon a time, there was a doll. It was named Yi-En. He was beautiful than other dolls out there you could ever find. Everyone wanted him, no matter the age but unfortunately for them, he was not for sale. He will never be, that was how precious he was for the owner of the shop.

Yi-En was always seen sitting by the window every day, showing off his beauty. His blonde hair swayed along with the wind. His pale face, as white as snow. His doe eyes sparkled like the stars. His lips as red as a rose. No wonder everyone wanted him.

One day, his owner was sitting by the cashier. Looking around, his eyes spotted the doll. He smiled at his creation. But soon,his smile dropped. There was something missing about the doll. The way it just sat there with a smile that almost looks sad to the owner. It looked...lonely.

That night, the owner spent his night creating a partner for Yi-En instead of sleeping. Just like when he created Yi-En, he was satisfied with this one as well. It took awhile for the owner to come up with a suitable name for his newest creation but he did eventually. Jinyoung.

The next morning, everyone was shocked when they saw a new doll beside Yi-En. Just like Yi-En, everyone wanted Jinyoung as well. But for some reason, they couldn't bear to purchase Jinyoung because the two dolls fit together so well, it was like they were each other's soulmates. They did not have the heart to break them apart.

One afternoon, a young boy happened to pass by the shop, the two dolls immediately catching his sight.

Usually, people would feel happy seeing the two dolls but the boy was not. He was furious. He envied the chemistry of the dolls, how they looked happy beside each other. The boy snapped and stormed into the shop. Ignoring the greetings from the owner, he walked towards the dolls and grabbed Jinyoung roughly, snapping the fragile doll in half. The shop was filled with gasps. The boy's mother was embarrassed at her child's action and apologized immediately. With a sad face, the owner let the boy off. He looked at the broken doll on the floor,then at Yi-En. He knew the doll would be sad so he picked Jinyoung up and ushered the customers out, closing the shop for the day before entering his workshop to fix Jinyoung. Unfortunately, Jinyoung could not be fixed anymore. The owner was devastated. He had no choice but to give up on the doll as he threw the doll into the trash can and walked out of his shop and went home,his shoulders slumped down.

Yi-En watched as his owner walked out of the shop. He jumped down from his spot and ran towards the workshop to find Jinyoung. He could not see his partner anywhere, he was starting to lose hope until he heard rustling sounds in the trash can. Without wasting time, he climbed into the trash can and saw Jinyoung lying there with a sad face. The doll then laid down beside his partner, hugging him tightly. This was something that was kept from the world. The dolls could just do things like a human does. When Yi-En and Jinyoung met for the first time, they.knew that they would be together. Every day after the shop closes, kisses and hugs would be shared between the two.

The next day came quickly for the dolls. They heard the familiar bell ringing, signalling that their owner was in the shop. Yi-En heard his owner panicking at his disappearance. The dolls waited for their owner to realize where Mark's whereabouts were. It took longer than expected but he still did. When the owner realized that his two dolls were together,lying closely against each other, he felt sad for his dolls. So he decided. That he would let them go. To somewhere no one would ever separate them. He grabbed his two dolls gently in his rough hands and walked out of the shop. He drove his truck with the two dolls in the passenger seat.

When he arrived, he knew they would be safe here. It was his old garden. He never came here since he moved but it seemed like it was still untouched. The place was so well hidden that no one discovered the place. He placed the two dolls beside the rock, giving them a last longing glance before leaving, knowing that he did the right thing.

The two dolls were touched by their former owner's action. Yi-En and Jinyoung looked at each other with affection, mouthing the three loving words to each other.

It was said that till this day, the two dolls were still at the garden,living happily together but we won't really know,will we? Well, we believe what we believe.

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