50•Epilogue Part 2 of 2

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Arriving at the hospital and checking in we crowded the waiting area

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Arriving at the hospital and checking in we crowded the waiting area. We were definitely in the building. Leahs aunt came over to the house to watch all of the kids. Her mom said she would be there in the morning first thing to help out with them.

Adrians parents were at the hospital as well. Arian was with her mommy at her grandparents house. Since it was Christmas Eve.

These last few years were an emotional test in my marriage. I was just happy we still have each other regardless. It was hard because I wanted to be a mother so badly.

"Here babe." Adrian handed me a pack of skittles. "Thanks." I opened it pouring a few in my hand then tossed them in my mouth. After repeating that a few times, next thing I knew the entire pack was gone. I admit I was a bit antsy.

Adrian chuckled getting up taking the empty pack from me to trash. I went to the bathroom to pee in the cup provided for me. After writing my name on the cup and washing my hands I left it with the nurse. I felt the need to wash my hands again so I did. The nurse took my weight and blood pressure as well.

"Hey Dr. Saunders. I didn't know you were going to be here." I spotted him walking by while I was taking my seat. He came over to me. I stood so I could properly hug him. "You're not with family for the holidays?"

"I usually take my vacation after the holidays. When everyone return so I could rub it in their faces." He laughed lightly.

"Smart move." I sat down. "It's been a while since I've seen you. Last time was the suicide attempt."

"Yep it's been a while." He smiled, his light wrinkled face lit up. "How's everything and congratulations, on the marriage? I saw your husband in the hall, he spoke to me."

"Thank you, everything is as good as it can be. I'm here to see if I'm pregnant or not. We lost three already." I sighed."You took a home test?"

I nodded. "Yes, about three and a half weeks ago. I waited for my period and I think I got it today. I'm not sure." Adrian came back over, Sienna joined us too.

"Let me go to the back and see what's going on. I'll check to see who's your OBGYN tonight and make sure their up to speed." 

"Thank you Dr. Saunders."

"Yes, thank you so much." Sienna added, Adrian agreed. Dr. Saunders nodded smiling before walking off. He shook hands and spoke briefly with Mikey before heading to the back.

Sienna took a seat beside me, my hubby sat down on the other side. He pulled me close to him. His hand found its ways back to my stomach.

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