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Hi there! Thanks for checking out my story!

Welcome to The War Between Races
A Lord of The Rings X-Reader!

Thank you for your time :)

Hi everyone! I know I haven't had this up in a while, but I am working to get it all republished. The reason why I took it down was because I've been wanting to edit and fix up this story and I honestly felt like it wasn't very good. Even now that I have it republished, I am still going to edit and fix up this story, but have it out there for you all to read. I'll be a little slow, but I should have a chapter up every 7 days hopefully. That's what I'm planning on. So once a week every Saturday.

And when editing I won't be changing any major events or anything that goes a long with the plot, just wording, grammar. I also may add in a few extra details and things to the characters and events.

Hope this makes sense!


After the Rivendell Massacre, the kingdom has fallen. Many lives have been lost and the palace is left in total destruction.

But when Rathna, the princess of Ered Mithrin, ambushes an Orc camp, she finds something unexpected. A baby.

Taking the elfling in, Rathna raises the baby girl as her own, amongst the Dwarves.

As years go by (Y/N) grows older, and more curious. (Y/N) is eager to step outside of the shadows and into the light. She wants to see beyond the dark caves of Gray Mountain.

But once (Y/N) steps out into the sun for the first time, there is no turning back. Time is running out...

What would you do if you found yourself in the center of a war?

A battle that will forever change Middle Earth. Nothing is as it seems... Can (Y/N) find her way through all the chaos? Can she trust those around her? Only YOU can discover the truth...

(This is a female X-Reader)

**This story is in the process of being completed at the time being and is unedited**

Note: bare with me if there are any errors. I intend to complete this story in the near future.

N2: Updates will be given on my profile conversation board usually on a Monday.

DISCLAIMER: I receive NO credit for the Middle Earth world. All credit goes to Tolkien. It is only for entertainment purposes and I receive NO money when doing this. ONLY credit to me is MOST of the characters and the story plot.


All rights are reserved.

This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without my permission except for brief quotations in a book review.

Look, stealing is wrong. Please don't take my work. I have spent hours, working on this story.

Dedicate yourself and your writing can be great too! You don't need my work!

The first story I sat down and ever wrote honestly made no sense, and to be honest I'm still working on my writing. If you want to get good a something, you gotta practice! I didn't give up, and I still won't give up. Now my writing has (I hope) improved and become something that at least some of you enjoy.

Honestly I'm not that special, you can do it too!

So please, don't steal my work, just keep practicing. And if you want help, just ask!

I love talking with my readers, and I would be more than happy to help out when I can :)


Sorry for how long this is...

Without further ado, enjoy!

Without further ado, enjoy!

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