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I have never been so alone in this time such as now. I felt nothing and in the very depths of my being I could feel the icy rock settling in where my heart once beat. That nice melodic sound that reminded you.. hey you are alive.

Clearly I am, but the pain and hurt I have felt is like no other and it just makes me shut those who care or love me out.

Could someone save me? Was there still a chance at love for me? I honestly couldn't tell you what that felt like anymore. I only knew that once I held my heart out to someone. They smashed it into the ground or slammed it against a wall like a rag doll.

I was always pleasant, gave them small gifts and held their hands. Kissed them when they wanted. But, it would seem I wasnt good enough... Perhaps I wasnt pretty enough.

I shrug it off, sighing out loud. "I just don't care anymore..."


Falling backwards I hit the dumpster that I hadn't noticed before. Knocking my arm hard against it, then crashing ever so unpleasantly to the puddle of disgusting slimey putrid dumpster water.


"Are you okay?"  A hushed voice asked.

Peeking up in the direction it came from. I frowned.

"I'm fine... just another day in stinkville I suppose."

The guy with the mint colored hair chuckled uncomfortably, his face changing to concern.

"Seriously... are you?"

I bit my lower lip trying to figure out how to get him to leave. Obviously "I'm fine" didnt cut it.

"Leave me alone okay. Clearly you don't watch what you are doing!" I snarled getting up, pushing past him toward the street ahead.

*Now why did I have to be so mean? It's not like he meant it. You really can't treat everyone like your ex. That's not right.*

Turning around I took a deep breath and with a voice almost inaudible, "thank... you... for the concern... I really am-"

But to my dismay he was already gone. The man with the mint hair and piercing eyes had vanished..

"RUDE ASS" I shouted, smacking myself on the head. Sighing heavily I walked even slower to the bus station literally ten feet ahead me.


Well, that doesn't happen every day, he thought as he hid behind the dumpster.

She just walks into me... and then gets mad at me for being polite. Maybe it's a bad day. I'll try again tomorrow.

He heard her yell, "Rude ass," right after saying something he couldn't quite make out. A smile played across his lips then as he peeked from behind his hiding place.

He just wasn't sure how to approach her.

Tomorrow, he thought as he watched her get on the bus.

Yoongi watched her for several days. He had first seen her in the park under a weeping willow, which seemed to set the tone for how she was feeling. He could see that, and he wanted to comfort her. But, he didn't know who she was or what caused her to look so distraught.

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