Help Him, Destroy You

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What was he thinking agreeing to help torture someone? He only knew how to help fix someone, not torture them. Which is basically what he asked him to do, because the idiot went too far. No matter how much he hated the guy he couldn't fathom it. 

He slowly walked down the stairs, his knees buckling when the smell hit him. The smell of urine, feces, dried blood, and alcohol which was mixed with something else. It was as if he stepped into a scene from Law Abiding Citizen…. Just not as gruesome. 

"Jesus…..Ho.." he stopped clamping his hand to his mouth. Their identity had to remain safe. 

Eyeing the body that laid motionless, he almost puked as he picked up Hin's wrist to find a pulse. It was so weak, and his skin had a waxy feel to it. 

I've got work to do….

He quickly set up an IV of fluids, and carefully examined Hin's wounds. The worst being his rear, a small pool of blood and feces was on the table underneath him. He felt light headed right before the flashback hit. 

It wasn't almost the exact same scene he came upon when he received a call from his friend. His boyfriend tore him apart, and to be honest. He was never the same, the instruments he used on him were most foul, and he couldn't see how he did this to him.

He ran and fell to his knees in front of the toilet puking. Then got up and went back to clean Hin up and stitch up the worst of it. He barely moved while he was worked on. 

"Is that needles?" He asked seeing the ropes that were cutting into Hin's ankles and wrists. Tiny silver lines were poking through them. Untying them to clean them carefully removing the needles that had embedded themselves deeply in Hin's ankles, then tying them back.

He might have nerve damage from this. The wrist were a purple green color. He had an infection in his right one, and the start of an infection in both ankles. 


Running his hands over his face and through his hair, he sighed heavily. When he looked back at Hin he was staring right at him. The blindfold had fallen down. 

"You….." Hin said in a raspy voice. " did this!!" 

Namjoon panicked punching Hin in the face then ran up the stairs into the kitchen, pacing frantically back and forth. 

"Think Namjoon…" he smacked the sides of his head, as if to jog a memory. 

That was when Hin made his escape. Namjoon had his back turned, so he didn't see the cast iron skillet when he was knocked out.

5 hours later…..

Namjoon woke up on the kitchen floor confused, and then dread filled his entire body.

Hin escaped.

A/N: Things are about to go crazy. But hang in there.


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