06 | Can You Hear Me?

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Round 1

March 22, 2019

March 22, 2019

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Abella stands in the kitchen of her mother's house staring down at her phone

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Abella stands in the kitchen of her mother's house staring down at her phone. She's not even supposed to still be in Texas, but out of state doing interviews to promote her album. That has to be put on hold after the events of the past week.

Abella bites down on her bottom lip so hard it should've started bleeding while watching a video. It's a screen recording that a blog posted of her live the night of the shooting. It's been circulating all across the internet since that night, but she has yet to watch it until now. She's made it a point to stay off social media for the past week.

The video catches her smiling and in a split second it changes. When she hears the gun shots and screams it feels like she's back on that sprinter van, so she exits out of the video. She can't watch it. She doesn't understand why people are posting it in the first place. Abella sighs trying to remember why she came to the kitchen in the first place. "Ice? Straws?" She mumbles trying to jog her memory.

"Hey," a voice startles Abella. Coming into the kitchen is Rejoice wearing a bandage on her forearm. A hot bullet grazed her arm leaving a long and open wound on her arm from the bullet flying past her exposed skin. Everyone was lucky that Rejoice's injury was the extent of what happened that night. Everyone walked away shaken up, but alive.

They all knew exactly why the shooting occurred. There was no question that it was the result of the fight that happened earlier that night.

"Hey," Abella replies softly to her cousin. Abella finally remembers that she came back inside to get the lemonade pitcher and cups so she goes to the refrigerator.

"One of the detectives called me. They said they're certain those brothers had something to do with this so they issued a warrant. Now they just have to get some help from the Atlanta police department to bring them in for questioning," Rejoice relays the message to her cousin.

It was nothing Abella didn't already know. She was glad the police figured it out without anybody having to outright point the finger and say they did it. They all agreed not to name any names to the police because they're the ones who have to deal with Trouble, Toran, and anybody else in their crew out on the streets.

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