41.3 | The Chasing

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Round 4

October 10th, 2019

October 10th, 2019

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Walking in her Jimmy Choo stilettos, Rejoice makes her way towards a Dallas County Courthouse

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Walking in her Jimmy Choo stilettos, Rejoice makes her way towards a Dallas County Courthouse. She's accompanied by her lawyer and her business partner, Messiah. When they get inside they go to the correct courtroom.

As they walk down the aisle she can't even make eye contact with Errol who already sits on the other side of the courtroom with his lawyer. It's only been a few days since his accident so he still has scars on his face, a broken blood vessel in his eye, and had his teeth that got messed up replaced with veneers yesterday.

The only way he could sit here comfortably was by taking a pain pill. Errol squints his eyes looking at the light skin man that accompanies Rejoice. He looks familiar, but can't put his finger on it.

It takes him a second then he realizes it's the dude Rejoice started hanging out with heavily before they broke-up years ago. He remembers questioning where this new friend came from because shortly after she began acting different.

It was after meeting this dude that Rejoice became money hungry, a party girl, and a cam girl...

Rejoice sits next to her lawyer and a few moments later the judge is coming in. It's the same judge who made the first decision on their case back at the end of August.

Rejoice wasted no time getting an emergency court date after Errol's accident. Rejoice petitioned the court to reinstate her parental rights immediately. Even though Royce is no longer in Foster Care the system still has partial legal custody of him until she earns them back.

She's also filing for custody with a motion for child support if she wins.

The judge does all her introductions before adding, "I didn't think I would be seeing you two so soon. What's this for?" She looks over the paperwork before asking, "You're petitioning to get your rights reinstated in the case of your son, Royce Spence? Is that correct, Ms. Mobisson?"

"Yes, your honor."

"I'm a bit confused. I remember setting guidelines as to how and when you could get those back. It's only been two weeks since Royce was released from a residential facility and into his father's home. You have supervised visits once a week. This is a process where you earn your rights. It takes more than a couple weeks."

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