29.5K 1K 60

(So thankful to everyone. Finally I got 1k reads. I know it is not much, but it is a start. And because of that I am really very happy. It is short. But I had to update early after this)-looking back this makes me so happy. We came a long way from 1k

Sabrina's pov

When I was little, around 6 years old, my mom used to love me alot. This was all before Shirley's death, it was when the world was a happier place, and I had a loving family.

She used to tell me bedtime stories every night , stories involving kings and Queens, Princes and princesses. Her stories would immerse me into a world of imaginations. I would picturise every single scene she would talk about.

I remember one such story, where I was the princess. In that story, one day I found a prince charming. I learnt to love and trust him alot. He never hurt me. He would always shower me with love. He would make me laugh. He always cared about me. And I was the love of his life. And through so many obstacles, such as evil witches attacking us, he was always by my side. And because he was with me, there was not a single scratch on my body.

Mom told me that one day I would find a prince charming who would be exactly like the one in the story. Who would love me more than himself. Who would never hurt me.

And I found him. Or so I thought. I thought Adam was my prince charming. I loved him more than myself and I trusted him more than myself. He was my everything.

But what he did to me last night shattered it all

He didn't let anyone else harm me, but he himself was the cause of all my bruises.

My Adam, the one whom I gave my heart and soul to. He broke me. He broke my trust and my believe. He raped me.


I was rudely awoken by a huge splash of cold water falling on top of me.

Slowly, my eyelids opened and I saw a blurry vision of a man standing infront of me holding a bucket in his hand. After blinking for a few times, my vision cleared and I realised that the man standing infront of me was none other than Adam.

Immediately fear filled my heart at the thought of what he was planning to do today. Instantly I brought my knees to my face and tightly held the sheets around me protectively. Tears kept pouring from my eyes. At that moment I realised that my hands and legs were free. For a while I was confused but then realised he must have opened them last night.

"Will you stop with your drama?" He hollered," go and clean yourself. How long will you sleep. You look disgusting. And immediately come down to make me breakfast."

With that, he strodded towards the door and left the room.

His words crushed my soul. He called me out for my "drama" , but didn't he realise it was not. I was hurt. Truly, from deep within my core.

And disgusting! How could he even say that when he was the cause of my condition. When he was the one who scarred my body.

In a slow pace, I placed my feet on the ground and pushed myself onto my feet. Immediately, I fell down at the voilent pain surging through my lower body. This pain was a sign of his torture last night. Of what he had done to me.

Still, with great difficulty, I somehow managed to get back on my feet and enter the washroom.

I stood under the shower. As the warm water of the shower cascaded down my body, I broke down. I broke down and started crying profusely. I was disgusted by myself. I was disgusted for letting him take advantage of me. For not fighting enough. For being a fool in love with him.

I kept rubbing my body trying to remove his touch. My womanhood was burning with pain but I ignored it and washed it too.

After a long shower, I stood in front of the mirror. The girl standing in front of me was not Sabrina. She looked so weak, her body was battered with bruises at different parts. Her eyes were red from all the crying.

This is not me. This can never be me. I endured so many years of my family's mental torture, yet I was always strong. So how can I break myself in front of Adam.

No. I wont. Ill show him my strength. I'll show him that I am not weak . And I'll get my answers from him.

Why did he marry me? Why did he break my trust? Why is he torturing me?

I will find everything out.

I will make him answer.

He has to answer!

Phew! She seems determined. But Adam is determined to punish her too.

Stay tuned for the next chapter. Till then vote and comment❤❤😊😊

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