Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'S POV:

The next morning you took your usual way to school with Todoroki. There wasn't much talking, but you were okay with that.

You had managed to calm yourself down after awhile about the whole Midoriya thing.

You knew Midoriya was a kind person, so you could apologize to him and he would probably forgive you. You just don't like making him so uncomfortable. You really value his friendship and would hate to end it so early.

You guys made it to school and started walking into your classroom. You didn't see Midoriya, but it was pretty early, so you sat in your seat and waited for him. After a few minutes of playing mindless games on your phone, out of the corner of your eye you saw green. You looked up to see the boy in question entering the room.

At this point there were only a few people in the classroom, so you decided it's now or never. You walked up to Midoriya desk where he was sitting at.

"Hey." You greeted.

He noticed you were there and kinda jumped a bit.

"Oh. Hi (L/n). What's u-."

"I'm Sorry." You blurted.

You weren't one to apologize often. You do what you feel is best most of the time and don't feel the need to apologize for that.

"About what?" He sounded confused.

"About yesterday at lunch. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable in anyway, but it seems that I have, so I wanted to say sorry."

"I-it wasn't your fault. I was trying to help you, so if there is anyone to blame it's me....... but, you don't make me uncomfortable at all, so please don't think that you do." He smiled up at you. More students started pouring in the room.

" Oh... well thanks." It looks like you didn't have anything to worry about. I guess he was just trying to get over the awkward moment yesterday.

The bell rang. Waving to Midoriya you went back to your seat and Aizawa walked into class.

"Today we are going to do training outside of campus." Aizawa said.

"What kind of training is this?" You heard one of the students ask.

"Rescue." He went on to explain that we could wear our costume or our P.E. uniforms.

You decided that it would be best to wear your hero suit, so you got up to grabbed it and got changed. Once you did, you walked outside to the bus where a few other students were standing and waiting. You didn't interact with anyone, but you noticed that Midoriya wasn't wearing his suit.

After everyone was here, Iida, who was really taking on the role of class representative, blew a whistle and told everyone to line up by class number, but when we got on the bus we found out that it wasn't built like the way Iida expected it and he looked pretty disappointed with himself as everyone just started sitting where they wanted.

You sat next to a tall girl with a well done ponytail. You think her name is Yaoyorozu, But you weren't a too sure.

She turned to you and started making small talk with you. She was kind and smart. When you asked if her name was Yaoyorozu she confirmed that it was, but asked you to call her Momo. You, in turn, asked her to call you (Y/n).

You heard conversation Between Tsu and a few others about the flashiest quirks in the class. You personally thought Todoroki was a strong candidate. They seemed to agree with this, adding Bakugou there too.

You didn't really pay mind to Bakugou. He was an asshole, especially to Midoriya, so you just avoided him most of the time. You didn't see the point of trying to interact with him because you would probably piss him off anyway.

Tsu also got into the topic that Midoriya's quirk was kinda like All Might's. You could see what she was meaning, but that was impossible. Unless Midoriya was All Might's secret love child or something, but that was unlikely too. Someone also pointed out that All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his quirk.

After a little longer of the drive, we finally made it to a building labeled the USJ. We got out and was greeted by a pro hero that refereed to them as Thirteen. They told you about the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or the USJ.

They then went on to a speech about how their and many other quirks can be deadly and how it is very important on how we use them, but halfway through the speech, over their shoulder, you saw some kind of portal thing. Out of it came a few people who looked pretty sketchy. They only continued pouring out till there was a huge mob of them

You wanted to believe that this was part of the training, but didn't they say this is rescue training?

All of a sudden Aizawa-sensei said, "Stay back! Those are villains."

'Wait what?!'

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