The Truth Untold

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I sleep in later than I expect and am only awaken by the ringing of the en suite phone. It's Mr. Choi informing me that he'll be by this afternoon to have me sign the contracts.

"But I told the guys that it was their decision. I don't want them to be subjected to this unless...unless they all agree. Unless they all agree to me."

"I'm aware. They wanted me to come first thing this morning but I had meetings. We can meet in the hotel café. Does 3 p.m. work for you? Assuming that you're agreeing to this arrangement?"

So does this mean what I think it does? That they chose me?

"Um, yes...?"

"Good. I'll see you then."

When I hang up, I swear I feel like I'm levitating. What have I just done? I'm stuck somewhere between elated and terrified. And there's no word or phrase to even begin to express the way my heart is attempting to gallop right out of my chest.

I've just agreed to move in with BTS and be their girlfriend. I'm about to have seven very famous, gorgeous, talented boyfriends. And I don't even know them.

Mr. Choi meets me in the cafe as planned. The contract is incredibly detailed, listing everything expected and forbidden of me. I can't speak a word of them to anyone, especially not the press. No social media posts about them. No public displays of affection. On the flip side, I should make myself available to them as much as possible, considering that I'm at the mercy of their schedule. I should keep myself properly groomed, fit, and healthy at all times. Regular health checkups are a must, along with a regimen of vitamins and birth control.

That line gives me pause.

"Birth control?"

"Ah, yes. It is required. Korea is still very conservative. Premarital relations are frowned upon. And a child out of wedlock... that would be devastating for several reasons. An idol merely dating is considered a huge scandal. Imagine if it were to come out that one—or seven—had been intimate with a foreign girl?"

I can see his point. American culture is very different, even for stars. No one cares if they're dating. Many times, their agencies are the ones to hook them up to get more press. Seems like that's not the case here. However, I really have no need for their help in that department. First of all, I've been on the pill since I started my menstrual cycle at age 13. I had killer cramps and they helped to regulate my period. Plus it helped to stave off adolescent acne. And secondly, I have no plans of having sex with anyone. I've managed to maintain my celibacy for ten years. I'm not in the business of giving myself to a man in that way, especially seven different men. This experience was supposed to be strictly And since the guys admittedly have no dating experience, I can't imagine they're thinking of this as a sexual arrangement.

"So will I be confined to the apartment for an entire year?"

Mr. Choi shakes his head. "Of course not. You just can't be seen or photographed with any of the boys."

"And what if they want to go out together? See a movie? Go to dinner?"

Mr. Choi takes a moment to think about it. "Then you'll need to take proper precautions." He scribbles something in the margins of that line. "We'll revise to annotate this."

I keep reading the contract, going over the rest of the rules and regulations. It's pretty straightforward although a little ominous. I'm guessing it was written that way to avoid anything being lost in translation, which I'm grateful for. However, there are a few parts that outline future concessions and penalties pertaining to after the contract's expiration. Not an issue for me so I skim through it.

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