84. Self-inflicted jealousy.

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Thinking that he'd heard something, Seb looked up and glanced around the room, he couldn't see anything or anyone, it was just him and Chloe's blue laptop, the one that had been hacked. She'd left it laying on the sofa when she'd gone up for a nap after complaining that she'd got a bad headache. He knew it was wrong but he had to look, he had to see if she still had images of Michael on there that Stephen might have got hold of. The temptation had become too much. He took a deep breath before opening it, seeing a light flashing near the keyboard he pressed a key and the screen came to life. He shook his head, it had been left in sleep mode and it wasn't pass coded, no wonder she'd been hacked if this was how lax she was with the security on it. His trailed his fingers over the touch pad and opened a file that was simply named 'pics'; there was nothing out of the ordinary that appeared before him, just photos of family and friends and several of her dancing. He closed the window and his eyes flickered to the file named 'naughty girl'; he opened it without hesitation and watched as several small images and videos appeared.
"Scheisse." He muttered quietly to himself. "Chloe, wie kannst du so dumm gewesen sein?" (How can you have been so stupid?) He opened the first image, there she was standing in a kitchen, she looked as though she was cooking, she was naked and looking back at the camera, laughing. She looked happy and as though she hadn't got a care in the world, a small smile traced his lips, she looked breath taking. He kept clicking through a few of them, including the video that he'd already seen, then he saw him. Michael. He leant back into the sofa and rubbed the back of his neck, he didn't want to look but at the same time he couldn't stop himself from looking. There was Michael, up on his knees but with her legs around his waist. He had a camera in his hand, grinning as he took pictures of her while she took pictures of him. In the background he could see empty champagne bottles, making it obvious they'd been drinking and that it was the drunken night that she had described. Knowing that still didn't stop the awful, sickening feeling of jealousy that formed in the pit of his stomach. He clicked on another, this one was of her but taken by Michael and he wondered what had happened to any other photos of her that Michael might have taken. He clicked again and again, each time the feeling of jealousy grew stronger as picture after picture of either Chloe or Michael appeared until he reached one of him asleep on the bed. It was no wonder Chloe had been so worried about being blackmailed, now he'd seen the material that Stephen had potentially got his hands on he could see that she was right to be worried, this was much worse than he'd first thought. Seb started to feel angry and then hurt. Angry at himself for putting himself through this and angry and hurt at her for being so stupid and still keeping that shit on her laptop when she should have deleted it after being hacked. Why hadn't she deleted it and why had she bought the laptop with her to Germany?
"Seb, what are you doing?" Chloe stood by the coffee table, looking down at him. "What are you doing with my laptop?"

"Why hold on all to those photos of him?" He looked up at her.

"You had no right!" She snapped, snatching the laptop up from the table and closing it hastily.

"You asked me for help with Stephen, you're worried he's going to blackmail you, I'd say that gives me every right to look." He stood up. "You haven't answered my question, why have you still got those photos and why bring it here? Are you still that obsessed with him that you have to keep looking at photos of the two of you fucking?!" His voice rose as his emotions got the better of him.

"I still use it for personal emails and watching films and stuff." She answered feebly.

"Bullshit." He spat. "You just can't let him go. Am I not enough for you?!"

"Seb, of course you are, I love you, you know that!" She threw the laptop down onto the sofa behind her and took a step closer to him.

"Have you any idea how it makes me feel to see you like that with him? It was bad enough what you showed me on your phone, but this.....you still love him, what other reason is there for you to keep that stuff?!"

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