120. The morning after.

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Britta stopped in front of the door to Seb's suite, hesitating before she used the spare room card he'd given her to let herself in. She wondered what kind of situation she'd walk into, if Seb and Chloe were ok and what had happened yesterday that had resulted in today's scandalous headlines. It was only just gone six am and she felt tired from a long night of working with lawyers trying to stop the spread of the images and videos online, with limited success, and her phone hadn't stopped ringing with calls from blood thirsty journalists all keen for any little detail or word from Seb. She'd also had calls from Chloe's parents overnight, worried as they couldn't get hold of their daughter, as well as a call from Seb's parents and Sabine Kehm, Michael's PR, she'd been trying to call Chloe too. As she quietly opened the door Britta was met the sound of....total silence and any worries she'd had about the state of her driver's relationship with his wife were quickly wiped out when she saw the two naked bodies tangled up in each other, sparked out asleep on the sofa. As quietly as she'd entered and knowing that she shouldn't have really seen what she'd just seen, she stepped backwards out of the door and closed it as softly as she could. The click of the door closing woke Seb and he lifted his head from Chloe's shoulder to look down at her, finally she was asleep. He hadn't slept too well himself and every time he'd woken up and looked at her she'd been awake. She stirred beneath him and her eyes fluttered open, instantly capturing his with their vibrant green hues.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, leaning up on his forearms. Stroking his bruised knuckles lightly down her cheek, he waited for her to reply.

"Like I'm hung over, like it's the morning after the night before. Just for that split second, when I woke up, I'd forgotten. I'm not ready for today, not at all ready. I'm dreading the headlines that will be out there today, the press will be circling like vultures and you've got to try and concentrate on set up today for quali and the race with extra, unwanted attention."

"I can handle it, I can handle pretty much anything knowing I've got you." He lowered his head, pressing his lips to hers, marvelling in how soft they always felt against his own as he gave her a long, sweet kiss.

"Seb?" She pressed her hands on his shoulders making him lift his head again. "How did you know where to find me yesterday?"

"You're Apple ID is still on Britta's phone, you'd forgotten to log out. Antti used one of the apps on there and it traced you to the Sheraton." He frowned as he spoke, he didn't like thinking about yesterday because it reminded him how she'd left him and how close she'd got to giving herself to Stephen. "When you just left like that yesterday, I was so worried." He rested his head back down again, nestling his face into the crook of her neck and nuzzling against her skin with his nose and lips. "I came out of the bathroom and you'd gone, you'd just disappeared."

"When I read his message, he'd given me one hour to get there. I had to go, if I'd stopped to think about it too much then I wouldn't have been able to do it. I didn't want to just leave and abandon you like I did but he gave me no choice."

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forget how you looked, standing there in his room. You looked terrified, you were trembling, his fingers had marked your hips, he'd left his mark on your skin, I noticed the dress, the white box on the bed with the red ribbon and I recognised the music he was playing, he was trying to make you go through that whole ordeal again."

"I'm glad you found me and stopped it from happening." She felt him shiver and she started to stroke her hand slowly up and down his back. He lifted his head again and kissed her, there was an urgency to it at first as he tried to erase the memories of yesterday, tried to make them both feel better. Parting his lips from hers, he looked down at her once more, frowning, still haunted by seeing his beautiful wife at the mercy of Stephen Cole. She lifted her head to brush her lips over his, seeing the haunted expression on his face. Seb responded, throwing himself fully into their kiss, letting himself bathe in the warmth of her love, then as he relaxed, he deepened their kiss taking things to a more passionate, sensuous level that always led onto something more. She wasn't surprised when she felt him starting to harden and she parted her legs in an open invitation to him, suddenly wanting him as much as he did her. The urgency was back in their kisses, peppered with little moans and groans as Chloe moved her hips, already wanting Seb inside her. She felt him getting bigger, harder and hotter as he rubbed against her. "Oh god Seb, please." She tilted her pelvis, groaning at the added friction he gave her. Seb grasped her chin with his fingers, his whole body tensed as he looked into her eyes.

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