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I woke up feeling sore and week. Like, I had no energy.
I was on a bed and I was only in shorts and a tank top. I don't know how I got into these cloths if I-.
Wait!! I was at school...how did I get here?
As I was thinking Hoseok came in with a trey.
"Oh your up!!" He said setting down the trey and moving over to me.
"Yeah...what happened?" I asked feeling pain in my side and my arms and legs.
"You don't remember?" He asked.
"Not really" I said.
"Min-Young basically trapped you in a room with a bunch of heating devices. You almost died" he said as he movies some hair from my face.
"That bitch.." I mumbled.
I heard a small chuckle come from his mouth.
"Well how did I get into these clothes?" I asked looking at my outfit.
"Well, you had the tank top on already and I...umm...I didn't look or anything when I was putting on the shorts" he said looking away awkwardly.
Haha this boy, he's so sweet.
"Oh....well I guess I should get up" I said helping myself get up.
"No, you need to rest and let those burns heal." He said making me lay back down.
"It's ok, my ice cells will regenerate and heal me. Wait how long have I been asleep?" I asked.
"About five hours" he said, "why?"
"Because, i should be healed in like a hour or so" I said reassuring him.
He looked at me like I was mad or something. He should know by now that my cells can regenerate them self's after I get hurt badly.
"Do you want to eat something?" He asked pointing to the trey.
"Yeah, I'm hungry!" I said getting cheered up.
He laughed and got the plate from the trey.
"So...I wanted to make you a breakfast that you would really like so I called your mom. She helped me make the Chile and the rice, but I made the eggs and beans by myself." He said grabbing the rice, beans and Chile with the fork. "Open wide" He said, I opened my mouth and he put the food in.
"Well?" He asked. It wasn't bad for us first time making Mexican food.
"Well, it's not bad, but the Chile needs to be spicer, but other then that it's great"
He smiled at my reaction.
Later that day I went downstairs to see all the boys there watching TV. When they saw me it was like people seeing GOT7 in public.
Yoongi got up and ran to me. "How are you feeling, are your bruises ok?" He said trying to direct me to sit down.
"I'm ok, my bruises are gone, but where is Hoseok?" I asked as I looked around not seeing him.
"He went to go get some things, he'll be back soon" Jin said as he grabbed me a glass of water.
I took the water and drank it all really fast.
"Thanks jinnie" I said giving him a smile.
Later that day when Hoseok had gotten back and my bruises were all healed the boys wanted to take me to have fun. I really wasn't in the mood but they wanted to go to an amusement park and I just couldn't say no.
So I guess I have to endure being annoyed at an amusement park for another 2 hours.

So the next chapter will be...interesting..ig but I hope y'all liked this chapter. Until next time ARMYS. I💜y'all.
Ps if you would like to know what I look like, plz comment and tell me.

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