First Impression

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A young man sighing nth time looking at his watch, the car which needs to pick him is not yet there. He is getting late for the meeting. The meeting will start in an hour. He lost his patience and started to search for a ride. After tried a long time he didn't get a ride"

"Hey... Stop... Stop..." He started shouting all the vehicles which are passing him, but no one gave an eye to him. He is about to give up but a black car stopped in front of him

"Hi... are you new to City?" the young driver questioned him.

"Yeah... Hi, I'm New to Thailand. I'm trying to get a ride past 30 min but... u know... It went vile. Could you please help me to till Enterprise Corporation" He pleased the young driver.

"Sure... I'm also on my way to Enterprise Corporation only. Come on getting in ill drop you there" with that Arthit boarded in the back sheet and started to make sure the necessary papers are there for his meeting. The ride is filled with melody music, suddenly Arthit phone started to ring.

"Hello Man what's up"


"Yeah one hour back I reached after many struggles just now I got the ride and on my way to there"


"Uff Don't mention about it. After the meeting, I'm going to fire him"




"You are kidding right?"


"Man are you crazy I'm here for my business not for some useless autographs"


"See man I don't even know who is this Kongpop and how he looks like and you're expecting me too to get an autograph from him"

The name Kongpop got young the driver's attention and he started to concentrate on Arthit conversation.

"I am not getting your point but I'm sure this is not my cup of tea"


"As per me acting also kind of profession we are paying for their work and there end our relationship with actor/Actress. But I don't know why you guys so obsessed with this autograph and photograph"


"OK... Stop stop I'll try to get his signature, but I will not be a puppy to behind that kid to just get an autograph. If I happened to meet him sure I'll get it for you, just only for you"

The word kid gain a little smile on the young driver face. He is watching Arthit conversation in back view mirror.


"Mmm enough of your sweet words... and send me that kid pic I never saw him"


"Dude dude I am sorry I think we are gonna reach, will call you later. Bye"

Arthit ended the call and getting ready to off from the car. After a few minutes the car reached its designation. He has 10 minutes left for his meeting. He is so thankful for the young driver. He got down from the car, so the young driver as well and passed the key to watchman for the parking.

"Thank you so much for your help" Arthit expressed his appreciations to the young driver and he about leaves the place but a hand grabbed him. He turned and looked at the young man's eyes.

"Can I Know your name please?" the young driver spoke without blocking the eye contact.

"Yeah... Sure, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Arthit from India" He introduced himself to the young man.

"Nice Name... I'm Kongpop... The kid whom you don't know the face. Here the autograph for your friend" Kong gave a card with his signature and stood closer to Arthit's ear and whispered "just only for you" with that Kong left the place.

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