Cast Finalizing

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As Arthit expected, the photoshoot is going well, but he got annoyed by Kong's flirting habit. Kong tried to be near with Arthit, whenever he gets a chance. Arthit got frustrated when Kong started to questions about his personal life. He will not appreciate if someone tries to put their nose in his personal space.

"P' other than Pink milk, what kind of food you like to have?"

"Spicy foods"

"P' what do you do in your free time?"

"If I am with my friends, will play basketball. Otherwise, I'll sleep" Arthit replied in impassive tone.

"Ohh... that's great. Now I can understand, why you are so beautiful" Arthit glared Kong. Kong pressed both hands on his chest and pretend to be in pain.

"Don't do that again P'"

"What?" Arthit asked confusingly

" Don't look at me like that P', you become cuter when you are being angry. It's not good for my heart " Kong replied in a low voice, still pretending as in pain.

"Nong Kong..." Arthit shouted in irritation.

"Yes P'" Kong looked Arthit innocently.

"Can you please leave me alone?"

"Sure P'.... Mmmm.... But... Can I ask just one more question? Just one, after that I will not disturb you. Please... Please... Please..." Kong showed his puppy eyes. Arthit just glared at him.

"Ok I'll take it as yes" kong stated with a smile

"Well..... Mmmm.... P.... Do you.... Don't mistake me, I am just asking it out of curiosity, P'.... Do you have a lover or ex?" Arthit eyes darkened and he clenched his fists.

"That's it...... Mr.Kongpop... Can you please get out from here?" Arthit's voice got everyone's attention

Kong widened his eyes in shock "P'..... I am.... Sor..." He shutters his words.

"Just get out from my sight and it's Mr.Arthit for you from now on" Arthit shouted in anger and left the place.

Kong froze in the place, he never imagined that he will see Arthit like this in his life.

" You dug his healing wound, it would be better if you be in your limit. Mr.Kongpop" Bright said before leaving.

Kong's eyes become wet, he cursed himself. He did all these to understand  Arthit more but it's turned as a big misunderstanding between them.

Lee entered the shooting hall and went to stand in front of Kong. Once Lee came to his view, Kong hugged him and started to sob in Lee's arms. He doesn't know why he is crying. But he couldn't stop his tears.

"P' I didn't... Sob... mean to.... Sob hurt him... Sob sob.... I was.... Just kidding.... Sob... I m sorry.... I m really sorry" Kong cried in Lee's arms.

" I Know Kong... I know... don't cry, once he calms down, will explain to him. It will be alright... Don't worry..." Lee consoled Kong but he felt so happy in his heart 'It seems, I don't need to put any effort to make them apart, he will ruin his chance by his own hand' Lee thought to himself and smirked.

After sometime Kong came to his sense and released his hug. He asked lee to cancel all of his schedules for the day and headed to his apartment.

After reached the apartment, he tried to do many things to get rid of the pain, what his heart feeling now but he couldn't concentrate on anything, he felt so miserable, only Arthit's angry face keep on repeating in his mind. He thought, he just liked Arthit but he realized, it's more than that.

He wants to beg Arthit for his forgiveness, he tried to reach him but all the calls and texts went unseen. He pulled his hair in frustration and lay down on the floor. After felt hours, he called his friend.

"Hello M"

"Hey man... How ar..... "

"M shall we meet at the Blue Moon" Kong cut off M

" Ahhh... What happens"

" Will tell you later... Shall we?"



" Ok Kong, I'll be there soon"

"Ok.. Bye"

Kong drove off his car with full speed.

PS: Sorry for the delay dears.

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