The Blue Moon

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"Aaaa... Nothing P'Ar.... Sorry Mr.Arthit" Kong shuttered his words.

Arthit smile fell down and he looked Kong with a little disappointment. Kong couldn't formalize Arthit's expressions. He was expecting complete different kind of expression from Arthit. But he is receiving totally an opposite reaction, which he is logging. Kong opened his mouth to speak. "Ohhh... You forgot?" Arthit cut off him with a smile on his lips.

"Forgot?" Kong looked Arthit confusingly

Flashback On

Once entered the Bar, Kong's eyes started to search for his friend. He located him in the second counter and he went to his friend and hugged him. M returned the hug.

"Missed you man... R u being good?" With that question, M released his hug.

"Am I look like being good?"

"Haaa..." M stunned Kong's question.

"No... M. I'm not good... that's why I called you today" Kong said in a sad voice and led M to the private room after ordered the drinks.

"What happened Kong.... R u fought with your dad again?"

"No.... But I fucked up on something" Kong looked M with a sad face.

"Ok... First, tell what is happening with you" M asked Kong with a serious tone. Kong took a deep breath and open his mouth to speak. Suddenly they heard a knock.

"Excuse me sir... your drink" waiter came with the drinks. He placed the drinks in front of them and left the room. M looked Kong, he seemed to be in deep thought. He cleared his throat, it brought Kong back.

"Tell me now" M asked Kong with concern.

"M... I... I.... Fell in love with someone" Kong said to M, hanging his head down. M's widened his eyes in shock. After a few minutes, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Finally... Who is that unlucky soul" M teased Kong. Kong looked M and smiled sadly before started to speak.

"His Name is Arthit... Sun.... as his name he is so warm to be with" Kong smiled slightly and continued "You know right we have a tie-up with MI (Mapple Interstices) the Indian company" Kong asked M

"Yeah... I know" M replied with expecting the tone to his friend continue.

"Arthit is the president of MI. I met him two days back at the airport, I was driving my car and saw someone was trying to get a ride. But no one gave a shit about it. With his cute expressions, he looked like a lost puppy. I don't know how they can cross him just like that. I parked my car in front of him without knowing myself. He looked at me with confusion, when I met with his eyes, I... I felt a slight thud in my heart. I offered him a ride. He gave me the most beautiful smile I ever saw. I thought he will sit beside me but he took back seat. I felt a little disappointment. The ride towards our EC (Enterprise Corporation) felt so beautiful for the first time. I observed him through the mirror. You know M, you won't believe if I said he is the perfect creation of God. Silky hair, round eyes, tempting checks to pinch, little pink lips which look like rosebuds and his voice.... Mmmm... M you should hear it at least once then you realize how much it's sweet. When he mentioned my name it felt so perfect on his lips.... I just couldn't stop staring at him on the whole ride. I think.... I just fell in love with him at first sight"

M couldn't process his mind while listening to his friend. It's a totally different side of Kong. The Kong which he Knows is don't know what is love. Whoever approaching him with a love confession will be turned down so cruelly by him. He never imagined Kong will admire someone in this way. Sometimes he thought, he needs to force his friend into marriage to end his single life. But now in front of him, his friend confessing his love for someone, who he meets just 2 days before.


Meantime in the same bar in another private room, two young businessmen were having their drinks. One man is so happy that he got private time with his sun. But the other one was in deep pain and he is drinking to forget that pain.

"Mr.Arthit.... Don't worry... He is like that only. He never considers others feelings in his life"

"No... No... Mr.Lee. I know he was just playing around, I'm the one who took my frustration on him" Arthit said to Lee before gulp his drink.

"You are so wise, that's why you are saying that, but I know him from the child. He is such a heartless person" Lee tried to create a bad impression on Kong. Hearing that, Arthit looked into Lee's eyes. He can feel the hatred towards Kong in his eyes and he felt a little disappointed.

"No... I'm saying the truth... actually he is a nice Kid... being with him is fun. I am kind of liking it" Arthit stated the fact, hearing that Lee's blood started to boil in anger. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. His expression changed to dark. He opened his mouth to speak but suddenly his phone started to ring.



"OK... Ok... I'll be there soon" with he cut the call.

"Mr.Arthit... I need to go, there is an emergency. If you come with me ill drop you in the hotel" Lee offered Arthit

"It's ok Mr.Lee... I'll go with Bright. He will be here soon. Anyway, thank you for the concern" Lee wants to induce him but he doesn't want to make Arthit angry. So he decided to leave without him.

"Ok, then I'll leave first" with that Lee started to leave the room. Arthit closed his eyes and placed his head on the sofa and inhaled to calm himself. Lee looked back and smirked. Arthit thought he met Lee coincidentally but he doesn't know that Lee was stalking him, from when Arthit landed in Thailand. 'Sure... I will make you mine' Lee thought before leaving the room.

(***) In Kong and M room

"But Kong... you said you met him just two days before. How can u love someone in this short period? You may just like him" M tried to make sense

"No M... Even I thought the same till today but when he left with a pained expression. My heart broke into thousands of pieces. Still, I'm feeling the pain" Kong pressed his chest with his hand in pain. And explained the incident to M. M hugged his friend who is crying uncontrollably. Kong tightened his grip on M's waist and cried his heart out.

"Don't cry Kong... He will understand if you explain. As P'Lee mentioned let him calm down" M tries to console him. Kong loosened his hug "M Do u think still I have a chance with him"

"Yes Kong... you have... you deserve to love and loved by someone. So don't give up on him before trying. Speak to him, try to explain yourself, clear the misunderstanding. I hope, sure he will understand" Kong smiled and hugged M once again.

"Sure... M... Thank you to be there for me always" Kong said and kissed M's cheeks.

"Wuck... Kong... what the hell are you doing?"

"Loving you my dear friend" Kong tried to kiss M again but he pushed Kong, he landed on the floor.

"I think you drunk... we should leave now" M try to lift Kong but Kong pulled M to the floor.

"Kong... leave me and get up" M try to stand but slipped and fell on Kong. At the same time waiter entered into the room with the bill but when he saw the position of two young men he left the room immediately. M hit his head with his hand and rolled his eyes with annoyance. He lifted Kong and went to pay the bill in the counter.

After paid the bill Kong and M made their way to the entrance. Before leaving the bar, Kong saw a familiar figure sitting alone in counter. He made his way to the counter left his blabbering friend behind. Once he near the counter, he recognized the person and stopped his steps. "P'Arthit..." He thought he said low voice but the voice reached the Name's owner. Arthit turned and looked at Kong and smiled lightly.

"Nong Kong..." Hearing that word again in Arthit voice triggered Kong's tears. Without thinking anything Kong went and hugged Arthit in the centre of the bar. Arthit eyes widened in shock.

(Will be Continue....)

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