Don't touch me

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"Don't touch me..... Don't..... Please....." A young man screamed while crawling towards the wall, his scream echoed in the room. Arthit heart stopped beating by the yelp. All of his sense died for a second, his whole world collapsed in front of his eyes. He clenched his fist which is in the air before hit the nearer wall. After calming himself Arthit kneeled in front of the young man without any physical touch. He spoke in a soft and gentle voice to get his attention.


"No... No.... Please.... Leave me...."

"It's... it's me.... Arthit... Your P'.... look at me Kong"

"Aaaaaaaaa......... just leave me..... I don't want to see anyone" Kong shouted in anger but after a few minutes his expression changed, he looked like panicked.

"I am... I am sorry.... Please don't do anything..... Please.... I am sorry" Kong cried pitifully. Arthit couldn't handle the scene. He hugged Kong to comfort him but Kong scared more and started hit on Arthit chest while crying loudly. After a few minutes Kong stopped hitting, Arthit looked at Kong, he was unconscious in his arms his eyes widened in shock.

"Kong.... Kong.... Open your eyes.... Kong......" Arthit loud voice scared his friend who was waiting in front of the room. Knot rushed to his friend.

"What happened Arthit?" Knot panicked while seeing unconscious Kong.

"Get the car....... Kong got fainted suddenly...."


"Get the dam car first Knot" Arthit shouted at his friend before he completes his sentence.

"Ok Ok" Knot ran out the room. Arthit carried Kong in his arms to the car.

Two days before

"Leader... he is leaving"

"Ok just follow him and update me each and every step of him... Don't dare to miss any of his move... understand"

"Yes, Leader....."

Arthit cut the call and dialled the familiar number before boarding into his car. After a ring, his call has been picked up.

"Wow..... It have been years Mr. Hot"

"Phana I need help"

"Awww.... It's too rude.... Not even a simple greeting for your ex-partner"

"I am in Thailand only.... I need some of your men now"

"You don't even changed a bit..... Ok tell me where and when"

"I said now......... and I'll message you the location after you got my message send your men with weapons"

"Sure.... If you don't....." Before Phana could complete his sentence Arthit cut the call.

"I thought he became a gentleman but still he is with the same attitude" Phana mumbled while looking at his phone.


Lee parked his car in front of the old mansion and he checked his surroundings before entering into the mansion. After assuring that there is no one, he moved into the building. Two men bowed their head before led the way to Lee.

"Where is she?"

"We tied her in the underground cabin"

"Ok... go and check the mansion's surroundings if you felt anything fishy just let me Know"

"Yes, Boss..." With a bow, both of them vanished from there.

Nin was laying on the floor like a lifeless person, Lee kneeled down in front of her. He studied her face carefully before tracing his fingers on her dull face. Sudden touch brought a shiver in her body. She opened her eyes, once her eye landed on Lee she crawled backwards to avoid his touch. Her body touched a table and she raised her head, her breath stopped by the view in front of her eyes. There were a lot of knives in a different size have been systematized in a row.

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