A family and Friends

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Kong extends his hand to reach the warm body which was spooned him but his hand landed on the empty bed. He opened his eyes but the beautiful figure which he was expecting is nowhere in the room to see. Suddenly he heard the water sound from the washroom, he relaxed and smirked before making his way to the washroom.

He opened the attached washroom's door slowly without any noise, the missing warm body was taking shower without realizing the nearing danger.

He opened the attached washroom's door slowly without any noise, the missing warm body was taking shower without realizing the nearing danger

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Kong's eyes were started to filling with lust by the view, this is the first time he is seeing Arthit's naked body. Arthit's white skin was gleaming and the water which was falling from his body triggering the heat in Kong's heart. Arthit body was moving in a sinfull way for its own good, Kong slide his hand around his waist. Arthit jolted by the sudden contact of another body, he removed the hands and pushed Kong away from him before Kong could react.

"Wh....what ar..e you do..ing?"

Arthit shuddered his words while covering his lower body with a towel, his face was all red by now. They may make out in some occasions but they never have gone further. So displaying his naked body to his lover made him too shy and nervous. He didn't get any response from the other so he lifted his head and locked his eyes with his lover's lustful eyes. The eyes were mesmerizing Arthit in its own way. They were staring each other for a few minutes now, one was admiring the beauty in front of him when the other one was busy at losing himself in the deep black orbs.

Kong moved closer slowly and he cupped his lover's left cheek before tracing his thump on it. Arthit closed his eyes in the feel. Kong slide his free hand on Arthit's waist and pulled him closer, Arthit opened his eyes to meet with most sinful gaze. Kong leaned and captured the trembling lips by his, the kiss was sweet and mesmerizing, Arthit was melting in the kiss. Kong shifted his hand to Arthit's neck to deepen the kiss, whenever he traced his tongue on Arthit lips it sent new sensation so he devoured his lover's lips like he ever did. Arthit let out a low moan, Kong smiled in the kiss and he trails the kiss towards Arthit's neck. Arthit stretched his neck to give more access to his logging lover. Kong kissed every inch of his P's skin while holding his body tightly.

"Kong...." Arthit moaned in the new sensation.

"Mmm" Kong hummed while inhaling the fresh smell from his wet body and he nibbled his skin slightly before capturing his ear to tease him. Arthit started to breathe heavily. Kong's hand were roaming all over his upper body....

"You... know right... ahhh.... It's... It's my home... Ahhh and my parents can enter into the room at any moment.... Aahhhh shit" Arthit spoke in between of moans. Kong pinched his nipples harder before looking at his face when he was about to complete his complaining.

"That's one of the things which turn me on more" Kong said looking into Arthit's eyes while trailing his hand towards the towel which Arthit was holding to cover his lower body.

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