The Last day of shooting

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Third fixed the damaged footage by his excellent brain. Bright got relived and he offered a reward to him.

"You can ask me anything that you want"

"Are you sure I can ask anything"

"Sure" Bright confirmed.

"You shouldn't take back your word after I declared my reward"

"I will not, just ask already"

"Ok, Then....... Be my boyfriend for a month"


"You heard it correctly..... Just say you can or not"

"......" Bright fell into a deep thought without answering him. Third, cut off his thoughts.

"If you are not interested..... It's ok... I..."

"No... No... It's not like that I'm not interested, actually, I am more than interested.... But....... But......"


"Errr.... That.... I don't..... I don't know how it will be.... The... the boy & boy relationship... so....." Third smiled slightly by his words.

"That's not a problem... I knew it very well... I'll teach you...."

"Ok.... But why it is for a month only" Bright asked in a low voice

Third smiled brightly before answering "I don't want it to end up like my previous relationship"

"You had a boyfriend..?" Bright asked in shock

"Yeah .... I had. We broke up before a year.... Now I am single... so don't worry"

"Why you broke up" Third became silent.

"Did I asked a wrong question...? Mmmmmm..... Bright your own mouth is your bigger enemy for you" Bright slapped his mouth before interrupting Third's silent.

"Err.... If you don't want..... It's ok I can understand"

"No... No.... I don't know where to start.... If I want to put it simply.... It didn't work out between us. So we decided to remain as friends" Third said with a silent smile.

"You can say... he is a jerk" With that words Kong entered into the studio. They both diverted their gaze on Kong.

"Kong I told you may times ... we broke up mutually... so he is not what you think" Third whine.

"He cheated on you demit... How can you forgive him that easily.... Errr whatever... why the hell you are talking about him now"

"When I am asking him out, I happened to mention him. So he questioned me what happened between us"

"Hey... Stop... Stop... what?... you asked P' Bright out..... Why? I mean.... I thought you both hate each other"

"Why are you thinking like that Nong Kong?" Bright asked in surprise.

"Actually Third is an annoying chatterbox in our gang and the same goes to you.... No offends.... But you both were so silent around each other, so I thought you guys don't want to talk to each other"

"It's not what you are thinking Kong.... We were.... Just enjoying each other silence" Bright said while looking at Third. Third smiled shyly.

"Hooohoooo... Hey, Third don't you think, it's too fast...?"

"No.... I like him the way he is and I know he likes me too. So I don't want to waste my time like someone..."

"Hey I am not wasting time, it's not that easy as you think....... It's... just... Hurrrr.... Leave it you can't understand"

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