He is Mine

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Lee angrily entered into his room and throw his mobile phone somewhere in the room. He sat edge of the bed and pulled his hear in frustration. "Why... Why... Why he always takes what is mine?.." His voice echoes in the whole room. "Arthit is mine I have been in love with him 2years I won't give him to that heartless bastard" Lee spoke to himself and punched his hand on the wall.

Lee's hand started to bleed but he didn't even feel a bit of pain. The scene which he witnessed in the noon keep on repeating in his mind. With that bloody hand, Lee lay on his bed and recalled his beautiful memory.

Two years ago

Lee landed in the US for a business conference. The Conference will start by in the evening so he went to the hotel for fresh up. After fresh up, he checked the time, he has still 1 hour before the meeting, so he decided to have tea.

He came to the dining area and ordered a cup of tea with some snacks. While waiting for his tea, he opened the laptop and started to do some work. After a few minutes, his order came. He sipped his tea and started to concentrate on his work.

Suddenly a laugh echoed in the hall it's like a melody to Lee's ears. He diverts his eyes to the source, his heart skipped a beat in the view. A beautiful man is playing with a kid while sipping his pink milk. Lee couldn't take his eyes from the cute scene. 'Milky skin, round eyes, chubby cheeks, pink pulpy lips and the cute dimple what a perfect creation.'  Lee thought. He forgets himself with the cute man's dimple smile. His mobile ringtone took him out of his thoughts.

"Hello... Tell me Nin"


"Oo shit... I'll be there in 10 minutes"


"Make sure everything is on track"


"Ok bye, I am starting from here"

Lee cut the call and packed his things started to leave the place. Before leaving he wanted to see that Beautiful man once again.so he turned to look at him but he is not there. Lee's eyes searched the whole dining area but he couldn't find him. 'Anyhow, we are staying at the same hotel. Will check after coming back' he thought and left the place.

He reached the conference hall before 5 minutes, he relaxed and made sure that everything ready for the presentation. The Conference started, he completed his presentation with full confidence. Many businessmen impressed by his work and they appreciated him. Lee went back to his seat. After a few presentations, a beautiful man whom Lee fell in love with the first sight, standing in the dies. But complete different aurora. He introduces himself as Arthit.

Lee just mesmerized by the certain man's confident and fierce look. ' How someone can be so cute, lovable and fierce with a simple gesture at the same time..... Arthit... The sun.... what a perfect name. I will catch you my sun' Lee thought and instructed his PA to get all the details about the young man. The whole conference, Lee's eyes were on the beautiful man. He badly wanted to speak with Arthit but they have 2 hours for end of the Conference.

After the conference, Lee searched for Arthit but this time also he missed him. He came back to the hotel and checked in the reception about Arthit with his pic which he took in the conference hall, they said he just came for snacks with a kid and left after a few minutes. Lee left the place with a dejected look.

After a few days, Nin (Lee's PA) collected all the details about the young man. His Name Arthit, 26 years old, completed engineering and currently working in his father company, Not married. He loves his work more than anything else. He likes to play basketball in his free time. His favourite vacation spot is Switzerland. Lee is so happy that Arthit is single. He thought he has a chance with him. From that day he started to follow Arthit and he wanted for a perfect chance to reach Arthit.

After 2 years, he got a proposal from Mapple interstices for an advertisement. He accepted that immediately and instruct his PA to contact them to schedule the meeting. He was so happy that finally, he is going to meet Arthit and he waited for that day a very long time.

Present time

"But he took that chance from me... How dare you kong... No... No... This time I will not let you win... I won't..... I will do anything to make Arthit Mine. Just be ready to suffer my dear younger brother. " Lee laugh echoed in the room.

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