I Love you

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Kong reached the blue moon bar in a flash, after stepped into the bar Kong's eyes roamed all over the bar to spot the particular person. His face brightened once his eyes spotted that person. Arthit was sitting in the counter while resting his head pillowing his left hand and his right hand was holding the half-finished drink. Kong ran towards the older man without bothering the surprised look of others.

"P'..... P'...." He was softly shaking Arthit shoulder to check whether he is still conscious.

"Mmmm...... who.... Who are you?... Leave me alone" Arthit bushed him away.

"P'... it's me Kong"

"Huhh...." Arthit raised his face, his eyes were half-closed. He grabbed Kong's face and brought it closer to his. He keenly observed his face before smiling.

"Yes..... You are... 'Hiccup' looking like Kong.... But I know.... 'Hiccup' I know that you are not him" with that Arthit back to his resting position. Kong opened his mouth to speak but cut off by Arthit.

"Because.... 'Hiccup' because he is in his birthday party..... 'Hiccup" with that girl" Kong can hear the silent sob, his heart clenched in pain. He hugged Arthit before whispering "No P'.... It's me..... your Nong Kong... I am here with you.... Please don't cry... Please" Kong's eyes became teary. "This day was fabulous few hours' back, why it should end like this. Why....." Kong thought himself. Suddenly Arthit pulled away from him, he took Kong's neckless in his hand and stared his eyes for a few minutes before hugging him tightly.

"I am sorry Kong.... I shouldn't leave you like that" Arthit started to cry "But I can't control myself"

"It's ok P'..... It's not your mistake... you don't need to be sorry..." Kong tried to console Arthit but Arthit's sob became heavier. He cried in Kong's shoulder, Kong just stroked Arthit's back softly while letting him take out his pain as tears. After a few minutes Arthit sob started to lessen, he thought Arthit stopped crying before hearing his voice.

"I loved her... I Loved her.... very much Kong" Arthit said out of the blue. That words banged Kong's heart but he kept quiet to let the older man continue.

"If she asked me.... I.... I would have done anything for her........ Just by her words, even she was not my lover..... Why Kong.... Why..... She chose love..... Whenever I am remembering her, it's paining like hell ...... She ripped my heart out to the point not able to fix it........ "Kong pulled out Arthit from his arms and placed his finger on Arthit's mouth.

"Shhh.... I can fix it P'.... Just give me a chance" Kong asked with the pleasing eyes. Arthit stared into Kong's eyes. Kong continued while stroking Arthit's cheek gently. "She is not worth your tears..... Why are you keeping her memories even after what she did to you...... forget about her P'.... she was just a nightmare........ I'll make you feel real love.... I'll give you all the happiness in this world...... I wouldn't let anyone hurt you... I may seem stupid sometimes..... But I will shield you with my life... just trust me P'..... As I said earlier, I want to be everything you need..... Please..... Please just give me a cha....." Before he completes his sentence a pair of soft lips pressed on his, Kong broadened his eyes in surprise.

Arthit slowly started to taste Kong's lips while pulling him closer

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Arthit slowly started to taste Kong's lips while pulling him closer. By the sudden move Kong back to his sense and respond to Arthit's kiss. Kong grabbed Arthit's nape to deepen the Kiss but Arthit pulled away from his mouth. "I Love You Kong" Arthit whispered on Kong's mouth before fell into unconsciousness. Kong's heart jumped out in the happiness for a moment, he couldn't control the smile which is spreading all over his face. He pulled Arthit into a tight hug.


"Shit.... Aaaa" Arthit screamed in headache while waking up. He was massaging his head, believing that it will reduce. Suddenly his elbow touched a soft surface, he pressed it lightly with the elbow. His eyes widened in shock. It's someone's skin. He opened his eyes in horror. He moved back by seeing half-naked Kong laying beside him.

A sudden move in the bed disturbed Kong's peaceful sleep. Arthit prayed that he shouldn't open his eyes, at least now. His prayer helped him. Kong closed his eyes tightly while burying his face into the pillow.

Arthit gets out of the bed without any movement, he glared Kong for few minutes before leaving to the washroom. Arthit flashed water on his face and stared himself in the mirror while thinking about last night. Some unclear pictures of him and kong were pop up in his mind.

"I love you Kong" 

"Shit.... Arthit" he slapped his head in embarrassment. After a few seconds, his mind got remembered something.

Flashback On

" Kong did you hear me...?"

"Yes... P"... I heard you clearly"

"Then why you didn't reply to my confession... I know you don't want me as you said" Arthit pouted like a baby. Kong chuckled while dragging him into the lift.

"I love you too," Kong said with a smiling face, Arthit smiled back and hugged him. When they were about to out from the lift, Arthit dragged him back before repeating.

" Kong.... I Love You "

" P'.... I love to hear it from you a lot but it's an overdose for me. You're repeating it from the bar"

" Because I Love you moreeeeee....." Arthit shouted in the middle of the hallway. Kong covered his mouth and dragged him into his room without removing his hand.

"Hmmm....hmmmmm...." Arthit tried to speak but kong tightens his grip. After a few seconds Arthit bit Kong.

"Ouch.... Aaaaa.... P'...." Kong screamed in pain. Arthit ran into his room with a laugh. Kong followed him while rubbing his palm. After entering into the room Kong was locking the door, suddenly he felt a pair hand wrapping around his waist he turned at looked at drunken Arthit.

"You know one thing Kong, I found something interesting today," Arthit asked in a low voice. Kong looked at him questioningly.

" I know you don't know but I won't tell you" with that Arthit broke then hug and went to lay on the bed. Kong shook his head in disbelief before following Arthit into the room. After many arguments, they both took a shower. Arthit was laying on the bed while humming random songs. Kong came and took a pillow and bed sheet to move to the sofa but Arthit pulled him into the bed. He locked kong in between of his arms and legs.

"Better ill sleep on the sofa" kong said without looking at Arthit's babyface. Kong was controlling himself a lot but Arthit was not helping at all. After they shared a sweet kiss his blood started to boil in desire. Arthit's clinginess raised it to the next level if Arthit continued this act, sure he will lose his control.

Suddenly, Arthit pulled him into a hug again. The younger got surprised, his hands were itching to embrace the beautiful man, his lips were logging to feel that softness one more time on them. But, he was just starting the ceiling while repeating that "he will kill you... He will kill you... He will kill you" in his mind.

"Was it sweet..?" Arthit asked out of the blue.


"The Kiss Kong"

Flashback end

Arthit face paled by the piece of memory.

"You doomed Arthit.... He will tease me to the death" Arthit whined in embarrassment.

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