Cast Finalizing II

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"Ahh.... Shit... My head" Kong shouted in hangover while waking up. He has a high tolerance for alcohol but yesterday he went overboard. He massaged his head and wondered what happened yesterday. He can only remember that he went to Blue moon bar with his friend and he blabbered about his love and his misfortune while having some drinks. After that, he couldn't remember anything.

Kong reached his phone to make a call but it was dead. He put his phone in charger and went to shower. He opened the tab and dragged himself under the cold water, once the water touched his body it felt so refreshed. He took his shower and came out from the washroom with drying his hair. He went to the closet to get an outfit for today. While selecting suddenly he felt a touch on his shoulder and he raised his elbow and kicked the source. Someone fell on the floor with a loud noise.

"Aaaa... Shit Kong.... what the hell.... O my god my butt..." M shouted in pain. Kong started to laugh, M glared at him.

"I am sorry M, I thought it's some thief" Kong said in between his laugh.

"I should cut your friendship, it brings only wounds to my flawless skin" M said while rubbing his paining butt.

"Flawless Skin my ass, did u ever saw yourself in the mirror" Kong mocked M.

"Hello... Hello... Comparing with your dark sing, my milky skin is more elegant" M defend himself.

Kong remembered someone while hearing the word milky skin. Suddenly the atmosphere changed and he felt the pain in his heart which was torturing him. Kong fell into silence. M looked at Kong when he didn't get any defending words from his friend. Once M's eyes landed on Kong's sad face his mind replayed the story which Kong narrated yesterday. His face turned dark "Shit... M what you did.... Can't you control your mouth" M cursed himself to remain that person to Kong. Suddenly his phone started to ring.

"Hello May..."

"Hello Pup... Where are you? I am in front of your apartment."

'Shit I forgot the date' He mumbled himself and glared at Kong. Kong looked at him questioningly. M throw a murderous look to Kong while collecting his belongings.

"Aaaa... actually I came to Kong's apartment to check on him. I am starting now, you can wait inside the apartment honey, will be there in 20 minutes." with that M left Kong's apartment. Kong understood his friend's situation.

Kong reached his phone and turned it on. His phone vibrated by plenty of notifications. He noticed he received 8 missed call from Lee and 35 from June. 'You dug your own grave all the time' Kong mumbled himself before dial June's number. She picked the call in two rings.


"So you are alive... Thank god" June cut off Kong.

"What happened June? I saw plenty of missed calls from you. I remembered we don't have any schedule before Noon"

"We thought you died in heart broke"


"Yeah... Me, P'Lee and....." there was silence for a moment.

"And....??" Kong questioned her.

"And someone who is important to you" June chuckled while imagining Kong's reaction.

"Don't play June... I am not in the mood" Kong replied in cold tone. June sighed before answering him.

"Come to agency building and see by yourself that whom it is" with that she cut the call and started to revise the files. Suddenly she remembered something and hit her head on the table by herself.

Meanwhile, Kong Called Lee "Hello... P', I am Sorry.... my phone was dead, so I couldn't receive your call.

"It's ok Kong, Are you alright? Yesterday I came to your apartment to let you know something but you are not there. Where you went? I was worried about you" Lee faked the concern

"P'... P'.... slow down. I am alright. I just went out with M for a drink and woke up late due to the hangover. Sorry to make you worry. And what's the thing that you want to let me know?"

"Oh... that... ah... For the new advertisement project of Mapple interstices, we have selected you as a model. So thought of telling you that in person but I couldn't meet you yesterday. So I have informed June to make sure of your schedules.

Hearing that Kong felt so happy but within a second his heart felt a sharp pain by remembering yesterday incident. He clenched his fist and a tear fell on his cheek. He doesn't know what to respond so he kept silent.

"Kong.. R u there""

"Aaaa... Mmm.. Yes P' I am hearing... I...."

"Ok... Ok... I have a meeting in 5 minutes so I have to go... Kong One more thing Mr. Arthit and I will be waiting for you at 4.30 PM to discuss the contract. So make sure to be there on time. Hope you know about Arthit's concerns on punctuality."

"Sure... P' I'll be there on time"

"That's good... Ok bye" Lee cut the call

Kong sat on the bed and he took a long breath 'Ok Kong... You got a second chance just use it in the correct way. You have to clear all the misunderstanding with P' Arthit. Don't ruin it by your stupid tongue' he advised to himself and started getting ready to meet his P'.

Kong reached the building by 4.00 PM and wait for the meeting time. While waiting he started to recall the things happened between him and Arthit. The first meeting as a stranger, after that a pleasant lunch with a simple conversation. 'With Pink Milk, P' Arthit looks like a cute innocent child with tempting cheeks to pinch' Kong thought himself, it made a small smile on Kong's face. Suddenly Kong felt a chillness on cheeks he turned his head and he met an unexpected person.

"What are you smiling?" with that question Arthit handover the Iced Coffee to Kong while sipping his pink milk. Kong looked at Arthit with full of surprise. Arthit smiled cutely towards him, before grabbing a seat beside Kong.

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