Headline of the Nation

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"What the hell is this Kong?" Lee tosses the magazine in front of Kong. He took the magazine, his eyes widen in shock.

"The young actor was caught red-handed under the blue moon while kissing his lover passionately"

"The young actor was caught red-handed under the blue moon while kissing his lover passionately"

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"P'... th..at....." Kong shuttered his words

"What?......... you have a reputation to maintain... why are you behaving so irresponsible" Lee glared at Kong.

"P... it was just.... Just a peck " Kong said with a shy smile.

"Kong.... Can't you be serious at least once.... You are the headline of the nation today....... Arrrrr.... Now how we are going to face the reporters and fans"

"P' relax.... It's not a big deal... we handled many scandals before.... Why are you fussing on it this much?"

"Kong.... This is not solely on you... your stupid act dragged Arthit too into this mess.... He is going to launch his product in a couple of months, it will affect his reputation too..... did you ever think about it...." Lee shouted at him. Kong looked at him surprisingly, after so many years Lee raised his voice on him. Kong felt guilty.

"P'.... I am sorry.... Just give me a day I'll fix everything..."

"You better" Lee left the apartment angrily.


Lee slammed his apartment door in angry. He tore the magazine into multiple pieces and pulled his hair in frustration.

"It's all because of my stupidity... Aaaaaaaaa" He screamed to let out his anger.

"Kong.... you touched what is mine..... How dare you.... I will make you regret every second in your life" Lee threw the knife on Kong's pictures which were hanged in his private room.

"I will make sure to remove his taste from your lips" Lee laughed loudly before pulled out the knife and he used it to tore Kong's lips in the picture.

"Just a few more days Kong..... Haa haaa haaa..... Just a few more days" Lee's laugh echoed in the room, it was so scary.

"You will taste your own sin....." Lee started to tore Kong's pic like a crazy man.


Kong dialled June number and ask her to get the details about the source of the news. Suddenly someone knocked on his door."Ok... June... just dial me once you got the information" Kong cut the call and opened his door. Arthit was standing there with worried eyes.

"P' Arthit.... What happened?"

"I am sorry Kong"


"I am sorry Kong" Arthit repeated his word before hugging Kong. Kong got surprised by the older man's act. He dragged him inside the room without breaking the hug and he closed the door behind them.

"What are you talking about P'..... I didn't get you"

"I saw the news Kong..... I am really sorry.... I shouldn't have kissed you... I put you into this mess" Arthit apologized in low voice. Kong let out a relieved sigh and he released Arthit from his arms, before lifting his chin to make him to look at him.

"P'... don't speak nonsense..... you know one thing.... That was the most beautiful moment in my life.... I will never ever regret that..... Do you understand" Arthit heart skipped a beat by Kong's words. Arthit searched the assurance in Kong's eyes for a few minutes before nod his head. They hugged again to share each other's support. Arthit nuzzled his face into Kong's chest.

" I Love it P'.."


"When you're being touchy.... I love it P'" Kong said while inhaling Arthit scent. Arthit suddenly felt too shy, he broke the hug and he hit Kong's arms playfully.

" Och P'.... it hurts" Kong faked the paining expression. Arthit eyes turned to worry. Kong burst out a laugh.

"You.... Little brat.." Arthit started to chase Kong. After running around the room for a few minutes. Kong tricked Arthit and pinned him on the sofa. Both are out of breath, they took a second to gain their strength.

"Kong let go of my hand"

"No... P'... Until you promise me that you will not break any of my body parts"

"Are you threatening me.... By any chance"

"Maybe.... If its working" Kong said with a smirk

"Trust me it will never work on me....." Arthit tried heavily to get rid of Kong's hold but Kong's whole body weight was oh him so all went vile. Arthit relaxed for a moment, Kong took that opportunity to lock him completely.

"Kong.... What are you doing..? I can't breath.."

"Then promise me P'.... I will release you immediately.... Orrr....."


"I will Kiss you for sure"

"Kong... do you know that you are pulling your luck"

"I have 100% confidence on my luck" Kong moved closer to Arthit's face... their heartbeats started to race. Arthit stops resisting Kong, he tiles his head to receive the Kiss. Kong was breathing on Arthit lips, both of their body started to heat up. Kong loosened his grip on Arthit hands, he closed his eyes to place the kiss on Arthit's lips. Suddenly Arthit moved out and pinned him on the sofa while twisting his right hand backwards.

"P'... P'.... it's hurting....... Please"

"It serves you right"

"Please P'.... Aaaaa.... Please" Kong was pleading out of pain. Arthit was laughed by his victory.

"Don't ever dare to threaten me" Arthit warned him before releasing his hand.

"You are so cruel P' for a lover" Kong sulked. Arthit smile faded by Kong's word. Kong lifted his head because of the sudden silence. Then he cursed himself for his carelessness. Kong stands and hugged Arthit from behind.

"I am sorry P'.... I didn't mean it"

"Mmmm.... But I think you are right.... I am hard to love"

"P'..... I blabbered nonsense without thinking...." Kong came in front of Arthit and cupped his face "You are the sweetest person I ever met.... You are an angle P' with a pure heart..... Actually, I am feeling so lucky to have you as my lover" Kong stroked his nose on Arthit's. Arthit diverted his gaze to the floor in shy. Kong lifted his face and placed a sweet kiss on Arthit lips. Arthit closed his eyes to feel the love which Kong was pouring through his kiss. 

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