Phana's Love

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"As you were aware, I am a cruel mafia leader of Thailand, but you know....I had a dream of becoming a virtuoso pianist. So I have joined US academy of Arts... my first year was hell...... because of the language, food and all.... But I got a wonderful roommate... His name was wayo.... He studied in Science academy but we explored a lot together, because of him I got a lot of friends...... He was so gentle, cheerful and a kind soul.... Whenever he was around, the place filled with positive vibes....."

"I have struggled to adjust myself for the new environment and the culture but he had been my backbone throughout the way..... And whenever I am sick he took care of me as like a mother..... When I need someone to lean on, he lent his shoulder with a warm smile..... I felt so alive when I am with him..... His outer look also alluring, as like his inner.... You can't take your eyes away from him when he is smiling..... He is just an angel in a human form...... Time passes I lost myself in him..... His smile, his innocence were stolen my heart..... But I never got a courage to confess.... I was scared of losing him as a friend...... So I kept my love with myself while enjoying his caring and closeness..... But my bad I failed to observe the changes in his behaviours earlier" Phana took deep breath before continuing.

"When we were in second year..... One day he entered into the room at midnight in a rush.... He was so restless and sweaty... while looking at his state, I got panicked.... I could sense the fear in his eyes.... It tore my soul apart from my body..... I had waited for him to speak but he didn't, so I asked what happened to him and why he was in that condition... instead of answering me, he ignored my question and entered into the bathroom without looking at me...... I don't know what to do........ I just waited for him to come out from the bathroom but without my knowledge, I slept on that day while waiting for him....."

"On the next day when I woke up, he was not around... I rushed to his college but there was no sign of him and I have searched all the places where we used to hangout but I couldn't find him anywhere.... I felt so miserable but in the Evening he came to room like nothing happened..... I tried to speak with him but he ignored all of my questions as like previous day...... from that day he started to behave weirdly... he lost all of his cheerfulness..... He started to avoid me and his friends as well.... I have tried a lot to get to know what was happening with him.... But all of my efforts went vile...."

"After a couple of weeks of that incident, he came to the room with full of scratches on his body.... Once he came to my view my heart was split into pieces.... I couldn't able to tolerate the pain in his eyes and I was frustrated by the situation... I just grabbed him harshly to ask what the fuck was happening with him before I could open my mouth, he hugged me and burst into a loud cry.... He clenched my shirt while crying, I felt the shiver in his body. So I just hugged him while tracing his back. He let out all of his pain as tears..... After an hour of crying, he slept without a word.... I don't have the heart to wake him up... I laid beside him in silent.... There were thousands of questions in my head at that moment..... While searching answers for that I tripped into sleep..."

"As usual, the next day he vanished without any trace.... I tried to reach him but my calls and texts went unnoticed.... I thought he will be back in the evening as usual but he didn't... Even after 3 days, I didn't get any info about him..... I have checked with all of his friends but no one aware of his whereabouts.... I thought of file a complaint but I don't know anything about the situation so I decided to wait for a week... after 5 days I got a call from an unknown number stating that My Yo was dead.... My whole world darken, I couldn't hear any word after that... I rushed to the mentioned hospital....."

Flashback On

Before Phana could reach the hospital all the formalities had been completed by some strangers. He was standing in front of Yo's body motionlessly. He don't know how to react, he blamed himself for Yo's death. All of their memories played in front of his eyes, tears started to fall on his cheek.

"Are you Mr.Phana?" A cop came and asked him.

" I.. am" He replied in a shaking voice.

"Ok... we need some info from you, can you please"

"What happened to him? How he...." Phana asked while ignoring cops words, the cop took a long breath before replying to him.

"The Victim had been raped brutally by someone because of that he got internal bleeding over a week. That is the reason for his death... apart from that, we don't have any further info... We have started our investigation... will let you know if we found the culprit" After hearing that Phana clenched his fist, his eyes was turned red in anger. The cop left that place after got the necessary info from him.

Phana couldn't able to control his anger and pain. The companied emotion exhausted him. He broke down in his place. Someone hold him before he could touch the floor. "I am sorry Yo.... I am sorry.... It's all because of me.... I should have known this before...... I am sorry" Phana cried loudly. Someone hugged him tightly to console him.

"It's ok.... Calm down" He patted Phana's back but phana couldn't able control his tears. His heart was paining and his mind was not working at that moment. While remembering the past few weeks his cries started to raise. After felt an hour, they delivered Yo's body to Cops. The Cops took Yo's body out of the hospital after completing the formalities to send his body to his country. After Cops left the hospital Phana grabbed the collar of the guy who was comforting him till nom.

"who the hell are you guys? And who did that to My Yo? Tell me....." The other guy who was near to the consoler clenched his fist to throw a punch on Phana's but the former guy stopped him.

"Calm down Ron...." The guy spoke in a calm tone.

"But... he....."

"I said calm down" this time his voice was strong enough to shut everyone in that place. Phana also shivered by his voice but he composed himself before speaking.

"I will not be afraid of you.... who the hell are you? I never saw anyone of you around him... If you had laid your finger on my Yo.... will skin you alive" Phana threatened the stranger while looking into his eyes. Without breaking the eye contact, the stranger twisted his hand which was holding the collar backwards in one go. Phana yelped in pain.

"First tell me who are you to him? And where were you when he was suffering from sexual harassment" The stranger asked while biting his lower lip in anger. After hearing the word "Sexual harassment" Phana's body stiffened in Realization of his own fault, he stopped struggling in the stranger's grip. The stranger sensed the changes in the man's body so he loosened the grip.

"First Relax.... Tell me who you are and who he is to you?" the stranger asked in a calm way. Phana relaxed himself before speaking. Phana studied them before giving his answer.

"I am Phana... I am... I am his.... His best friend.... Now tell me... who did that to my Yo.... And how you guys Know about it"

"Will tell you but this is not the right place and time to speak about it.... Come and meet us in this address next week.... After Yo's funeral....." The stranger left that place after handover their address to Phana.

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