It's Paining like hell

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"Ouch... Ouch... Ai'Arthit are you gone mad?... Why are you hitting me continuously?" Bright was running around the room to escape from angry Arthit. But Bright doesn't know why he is angry with him. He started to hit him once they stepped into the hotel room.

"You deserve it... idiot... stop there" Arthit was throwing whatever he was grabbing.

"Stop... Stop" Bright hold Arthit's hands tightly.

"Let go of my hands Bright... or else I will cut your throat and throw it to dogs" Arthit said in cold voice

"First tell me.... why the hell are you beating me for past half an hour?"

"You pervert... because of you my mind got corrupted... and.... And... I am getting...... weird dreams....."

"Haaa....?" Bright totally confused

"What...? Did you forget the human language? I am telling that My.Mind.Got.Corrupted and it's because of you, idiot. Let go of my hands"

"Still... I am not getting what you are saying, can you please explain entirely like what I did and what dream you had"

"Haaaa.... That night.... You blabbered right that..... There is.... Something....... Mmmmm.... Something between me and Nong Kong"

"I didn't blabber.... I know there is something between you both"

"There is nothing....... you brainless idiot" Arthit started to kick him.

"Ok.... Ok.... There is nothing, what about that dream"

"Aaaa.... That... that you don't need to know"

"It's ok Arthit we are friends right, you can tell me... Is there anything juicy juicy?" Bright asked with a giggle while losing the grip on Arthit's hand. Arthit face turned red by remembering the dream.

"Get out" Arthit shouted in high pitch by embarrassment


"Bright r u going to leave by yourself or am I need to throw you over window" Arthit demand Bright.

"Ok... Ok... I am leaving... I am leaving.... Sleep well.... Have a sweet dream" with that Bright ran out from Arthit's room, Arthit can hear Bright's laugh. He dropped his body on the mattress.

"Bright did you got hurt somewhere?" Mike asked in concern

"No... No... I am alright Mike"

"Are you sure? Because I heard a lot of noise from inside of the room when you are with Mr.Arthit"

"That's nothing... we are just playing" Bright said with a broad smile.

"Ohhh... Why are you smiling?"

"I am just happy... Arthit being himself after a long time. I have to thank Mr.Kongpop"

"I am not getting, what you are saying?"

"Nothing... Let's go. I am so tired need to sleep" Bright said in tired tone and dragged Mike to room.


"Kong is there anything bothering you, you look so down today" June asked in concern.

"Nothing.... Just headache" Kong replied in a dejected tone.

"It's ok Kong... You can tell me, we can share everything right?" June asked with a smile. Kong nodded before telling

" I don't know June... What is happening around me. I have never been like this but in the past two days, I couldn't concentrate on anything. I am feeling so stressed. P'Arthit was avoiding me all the time, he is not even looking at my face. I don't know what I did. Sometimes..... its feel like he was being normal..... but.... But within a second he was getting annoyed without any reason. Even voluntarily, if I went to speak with him, he just cut off the conversation in one or two words, I don't know what to do"

" you may did something unknowingly, which irritated him, Just have a talk with him, maybe he has some other problems which he can't share with anyone. It would be better than being frustrated alone"

"With the same thought, today I went to ask him out for dinner..... he turned down my invitation by saying that he has a plan with his friends. But when I am returning to Apartment, I saw him with Nin in a restaurant. At that moment I felt like someone piercing my heart with a knife. What I did June do deserve this punishment" Kong started to crying.

 What I did June do deserve this punishment" Kong started to crying

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"I am just loving him..... I don't know what other people will do when they are in love.. But for me, I want to be near him always... I want to be a reason for his smile.... I want to be a person who he can share all his worries.... I just want to be everything for him.... But.... But now he is not even considering me as a friend... He is being normal with everyone.... He is smiling at everyone....  But if he senses me, he just disappear from there..... What I did June.... What I did.... It's Paining like hell.... I couldn't handle this" Kong was crying his heart out by hugging his legs.

June doesn't know what to say, she just hugged Kong and patted his back to console him, her eyes also become teary.

"It's ok Kong... Everything will be alright.... Don't cry... Give him some time... Sure he will come and speak to you. He is not someone who will do something without any reason. So just be patient" Jund tried to stop Kong's tear, but she couldn't, So she let him cry on her shoulder. After sometimes Kong slept without knowing him. June laid down him on the sofa before leaving.


Knock Knock Knock

"Who the hell.... At this time..." Arthit growled before getting up from his bed. He looked at the clock, it's just 7 am in the morning. With irritation, he went and opened the door.

"Good Morning..."

" Don't tell me, you woke me up at this early morning, just say Good Morning. If that is the case, before answering, let me know your last wish" Arthit said while yawning.

"I am not that stupid Arthit...."

"That's good then tell me why are you disturbing my sleep"

" Actually today's shooting has been cancelled, so I just came to inform you that you don't have any schedule till evening"

" Why...? What happened...?"

"Kongpop has been hospitalized it seems"

"What...? What happened to him? Is he alright now? Is there anything serious? Yesterday he was normal right? What happened suddenly?  In which hospital he has been admitted?" Arthit got panicked,

"Arthit... Arthit... Relax man... Nothing serious I think... He has been admitted in xxxxx hospital.

" Ok... Get me a car Bright.... I'll be back in 5 minutes" with that Arthit went inside the room. Bright was stunned in his place. He doesn't why Arthit behaving like this. 'Why Arthit changed totally a different person, when it comes to Mr.Kongpop'  Bright thought himself before leaving the place.

After changed his cloth Arthit came down and boarded into the car. Bright started the car, Arthit was trying to call June but the line didn't get connected. He got worried, he just wants to see Kong's charming face. "How come you don't know anything Bright? You would have checked with them about Kong's condition." Arthit was nagging Bright in the whole ride. Bright was tried to answer him two to three time but Arthit didn't give a chance for that.

Note: I know I am not good at emotional parts, because I hate when people being sad. But I tried my beat, please forgive if there is any mistake.

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