I should let you taste your own medicine

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The next day Kong opened his eyes in darkness. He was trembling in fear and he was damn hungry. After a few minutes he got used to the darkness and he searched something to eat but he didn't get anything. After 3 hours the room door got opened. One young boy came with a plate of food and placed it in front of Kong. Without any word, Kong ate it. He was feeling so weak, he wanted to cry. He can feel that he is becoming weak by physically and mentally. "I should do something before it's too late" Kong thought to himself before completing the food.

Even he got used to the darkness, he is still afraid of it, so he closed his eyes and hugged his leg tightly with chest to forget the darkness. After some time he tried to move further but he couldn't move after some steps because of the chain. The chain was too strong to break with bare muscles. He searched for a sharp object to cut it but the room was empty, except him and the chain there is nothing in that room. He got frustrated so he hit his leg in the air. Suddenly the room door got opened widely revelling the masked man with a whip. Kong's body started to shiver in fear without his knowledge he crawled backwards. The man smirked while seeing Kong's vulnerable state.

"It seems, the drugs started to work.... how are you feeling now" The man asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Stay... Stay away..... You basted"

"Still you have your courage to speak back to me haaaa....... but it is ok..... After today's treatment you will never dare to speak in front of me" With that, he ripped Kong's shirt in a flash of second with the chain which had been gifted by Arthit. Kong widened his eyes in shock before he could recover from the shock a strong pain landed on his body, Kong's eyes can see the whip retreating from his body.

"Aaaaaa.... Please...Don...." Before he complete it another whip landed on his body.

"Ple...ase.. Don't Pleaseee.... It's hurting..... Stop Plee...asee....." Kong begged but none of his words reached the man's ears. The man continued to abuse Kong's body with his whip. Kong begged for mercy but seeing his tears, only encouraged the man's act. He enjoyed Kong's suffering figure. He wants to make him suffer more and more so he continued until his hands become numb. After he satisfied he clapped his hand, the duplicate Arthit entered into the room with an injection. Kong was laying on the floor lifelessly, he couldn't even raise his fingers in protest while the man injecting the drugs in him. Once he injected the drugs Kong's body started to shiver, he don't want to cry but he couldn't able control his emotions his tears flooding out from his eyes. "P'... Please save me soon" Kong murmured before darkness consume him.

Flashback off

"After that day, I flew back to Thailand due to some emergency in the agency and I have ordered them to..... to continue...... it...... and... and I asked them to change the locations once in a week to avoid getting caught..... I.... I love you Arthit.... More than anything in the world.... That's why I did all this...... Ple...ase give... give me a chance.... I can prove that I am better than him..... I will not touch Kong hereafter" Arthit laughed out loudly against the expectation of the men who were presented in the room. Phana was looking at him confusingly and the other hand Lee was looking at him hopefully. In a blink, Arthit grabbed Lee's throat once again.

"Do you think you can get out from this room alive? Such a stupid you are..... And Not only you No one can be better than him.... I love him only him..... Whatever happened it will never change..... I will make you pay for each and every tears of Kong" Arthit laughed once again, even he was laughing Lee could feel the rage in his eyes and grip. After a few seconds Arthit got silent, he started to think something deeply.

"Yes" Arthit murmured before looking at Lee's eyes again.

"I changed my mind.... I am not going to kill you.... You know one thing I love to see people suffering who deserve it..... More than you.... So I decided to make you suffer for your lifetime for all of your sin.... One day you will beg me to kill you.... But me and my Kong will enjoy that, as you enjoyed him suffering......" Arthit smirked before letting go of Lee's throat.

"Lu, Can I know what you are planning for him?" Arthit glared before walking towards him. He went near to Phana and whispered something in his ears, Phana let the room with a smiling face. After a few minutes, he returned with an iron whip which has tiny sharp edges. Lee's widened his eyes in horror.

"But before that, I should let you taste your own medicine" With that Arthit took the whip Phana's hand before throwing a strong whip on Lee. Already the ice cubes and Arthit's Knife pierced his skin favourably so when the whip landed on his body, he felt the horrible pain ran through in his body. He screamed loudly out of the pain.

Arthit remembered Kong's pitiful face when he found him and he threw another stronger whip this time Lee felt like his soul was getting rip out of his body because of the pain. He begged Arthit to stop but Arthit whipped him repeatedly while having a tiny smile on his face. At one point he stopped not want to kill him now. He threw the whip on the floor somewhere before leaving the room.

"Lu... Ahhh... Arthit... Arthit, wait for me" Phana ran behind Arthit.


"You didn't tell me that what you are planning for him" Phana said in low voice don't want to anger him more. Arthit smiled before answering.

"Don't worry you have a big part in it"

"Then tell me now"

"Wait and See"

"But Arthit th....." Before he could complete his sentence Arthit Phone started to ring.



"Ok... I'll be there soon"

"Phana, I have to leave now.... Will see you later.... And make sure that he is having his meal only once in a day and he is not allowed to sleep more than an hour until I say" With that Arthit left the room in a hurry.


"What happened Knot?" Arthit asked worriedly once he reached the hospital.

"Arthit... That.... Kong.... He..."

"Just spill it out Knot" Arthit shouted in impatience.

"Ahhh..... Kong tried to kill himself"

"What the.... Where is he? How is he now?" Arthit started to run but Knot grabbed his arms before that.

"Don't worry... he is alright but I think he was too scared, we need someone to monitor him all day because the doctor said it may happen again"

"Ok, I'll be..." Arthit stopped his words with a sad expression. Knot pressed his shoulder before speak.

"Let's call Tutath, I think he is the right person. He can cheer him up too"

"Ok..." Arthit said in a low voice.

"And you can see him now, he is sleeping only" Arthit nodded with a smiling face and rushed towards Kong's room.

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