I am coming for you

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"Hello...P... It's..."

"Hello sorry I can't hear you"

"Hello... P'Arthit... It's Nin"

"Yeah tell me, Nin... What happened"

"P'Lee..... P'Lee is......................"



"Nin... R u there?"



Arthit looked at his phone but the call has been ended. He got panicked for unknown reason, quickly he made his way to his car. As soon as he started the car he reached Lee's apartment with full speed. He rushed to Lee's door but there is no one to answer his knock. He banged the door for a few times. He checked the lock, for his surprise it didn't lock. He slowly walked into the apartment without any noise. The room was dead silence, Arthit can hear his heartbeat. Suddenly he heard someone coughing from the corner room. He carefully opened the door. He got shocked by the view in front of him.

"Ooo shit...." Arthit exclaimed and his voice got the attention of the person who is laying on the bed with a bandage on his knees.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing.... I just got a small accident in the street"

"It does not look like a small one.... and you should be in the hospital"

"Aaaa.... That...... actually it has been a week.... I got out of the hospital yesterday only"

"What the F.... Sorry Mr.Lee..... Can I know why I am not aware of it?"

"Mmmm.... I don't want you to worry and already you are in stress I don't want to put more into you"

Arthit let out a big groan before dropping on the hand chair which is near to the study table in the room.

"It's not like what you are thinking Mr.Lee.... Kong loves you a lot as a family so I don't want to disappoint him when he is back.... So treat me as your brother too.... After all, I am your brother-in-law"

Lee eyes darken by Arthit words, he clenched his fist. He controls himself and calmed his boiling heart before speak.

"Thanks.... Mr.Arthit... But do you still hope that..... Kong..... Kong will be back....."

"What do you mean....." Arthit shouted in anger

"I mean.... It.... It has been a month... still we didn't get a single clue on his whereabouts.... So there is a chance that....."

"Just stop it Mr.Lee.... I know my Kong is still breathing somewhere in this world.... So shut all of your nonsense thoughts....." Arthit roared at Lee. For the first time, Lee's body shivered in fever by seeing the anger in Arthit's eyes.

"I am.... So..rryy... Mr.Arthit..... I just....."

"Leave it.... Just take rest I am leaving if you need anything call me at any time"

"Sure... Thanks"

"Ok then bye"

Arthit Left Lee's room with full of anger, he couldn't digest Lee's words he clenched his fist calm himself. Suddenly a hint of voice flashed into his memory.

"Shit how I forgot" Just now he remembered why he came to Lee's apartment in the first place. So he turned towards the apartment. When he entered the room Lee was smiling while looking at his mobile. He is looking very happy. Arthit frowned by Lee's sudden changeover. Lee noticed someone's presence in the room, he quickly shut down his phone and looked at Arthit in horror.

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