Can i see him

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 "Doctor... How is he now?"

"Relax Mr.Arthit..... He is okay now, nothing to worry.... but he has a lot of scratches on his body and he is so shattered, I think he didn't have anything more than three days. Besides we found a rare combination of drugs in his body, we send it to further examination once we get the info will let you know the details. For now, physically he is ok but mentally I can't be sure. Let him get his consciousness first.... will discuss further after that.... it will take some time, till that try to not disturb him" Arthit was all broken by heart after hearing doctor's word. He couldn't control his overwhelming rage. His eyes were emitting a scary fire which shivered the doctor's body. He clenched his fist to calm himself before speaking.

"Can we see him, doctor?"

"Su...Sure, but.... don't switch on the lights, it's scaring him more than anything"

"Why Doctor?"

"I don't know the particular reason yet, but I think he should experience some cruel things when the lights getting on, that's why he is throwing trauma while seeing brightness. Will check on that once he gained his consciousness" Doctor sated the fact and he left the place. Arthit was fuming in anger, he wants to rip Lee's Skin from his body alive. Arthit started to leave the place but before he could move further Knot grabbed his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"I want to punish that bustard now"

"You can punish him Arthit... But not now.... Kong needs you more than anything, when he is getting his consciousness. So please stay calm for a while and beside him" Knot's words made sense so Arthit pulled himself before entering into Kong's room.

Kong was laying on the hospital bed, his face looked so calm now but he has dark circles under his eyes, the usual charmness of Kong has been traded by dullness. Arthit removed the sheet which covered Kong's body to examine the scratches, his whole body shuddering by the view. Kong's whole body wreathed with tiny scratches. Arthit's eyes started to shedding tears without his knowledge. He lift his trembling hand to touch the scratches, he slightly traced his fingers on it while his heart bleeding with pain and sadness. Kong frowned his eyebrows by his action, he retreated his hand immediately. "I am sorry Kong, I should have been more observant towards you. Please forgive me" Arthit cried internally while begging for forgiveness from Kong.


"Aaaaaaa.... Wh..o y..ou.... please Do..nt Don't hur..t Me..... help.... Help... Please.... Don't come near..... I will not shout.... Please...... please don't hurt me" Kong covered his mouth while hugging his legs with his chest. His was shedding tears, his body was shivering in fear. He closed his eyes to avoid the other man's presence.

"listen Kong... I... I will not hurt you... I am..."

"What happened?" with that words Knot emerged into the room. By the sudden new voice, Kong opened his eyes. Once he saw Knot he ran and hide behind him.

" Hel..p" Kong shuddered while clenching Knot's shirt. Arthit eyes widened in shock before he could back from his shock doctor rushed into the room. He instructed the nurse to hold Kong. She went to grab him but he refused to let go of Knot's shirt. His eyes were glancing Arthit in fear, doctor understood the situation.

"Mr.Arthit can you please wait outside for a while" Arthit understood doctor's indention so he left the place with heavy heart. He couldn't digest Kong was afraid of him. He came out of the room and dropped on the waiting area, his tears were flooding he couldn't able to control it.

Meantime inside the room doctor was examining Kong. His heartbeat was too fast because of the fear, he was shivering from head to toe. His eyes were roaming all over the room, he was so restless mentally.

"Mr.Kong... How are you feeling now?"


"How are you feeling now?"

" ok"

"That's good.... Why are you screaming then?" Kong just starred at Doctor without answering his question. Doctor understood so he too ignored it.

"Ok... Leave it.... What's your full name?"

"My.... Name...."

"Yeah... Your Name"

"Ah... Kongpop... Kongpop Su... Su.... " Kong frowned while trying to remember his other half of the name

"Ok... Don't stress... If you can't remember, that's ok... Lay down now" Kong did as doctor asked.

"Now calm yourself... we are not going to hurt you"

"But... But that man... He..."

"Relax Mr. Kong... he will not do anything to I grantee... so now relax yourself first....." Kong relaxed a bit, his heart started to beat normally.

"By the way... Do you remember that man?"

"Yea..hh... He... He was one of them who used to punish me... they... they will come into the room, only when it's started getting bright but after they left the room will went dark again.... I hate.... I hate darkness... they knew it... Even they locked me into the darkroom............... No.....No... Nooo..... Please help me... Please...." Kong started to scream while remembering it. Immediately the doctor instructed to nurse drug him to sleep. She did as he ordered after a few second dizziness consumed Kong. Doctor and Knot let out of a sigh out of relief. Kong looked at Kong's hand he was still holding his shirt tightly, he released Kong's hold on his shirt before leaving the room. Once he came out from the room with the doctor he searched for his friend. Arthit was sitting on the waiting are while burying his face into his hands. Knot and the doctor approached him, once they near to him Knot placed his hand on his shoulder. Arthit eyes was red and it swollen like hell by the cry.

"Arthit... are you...." Before he could complete Arthit stood up and hugged him while breaking to more cry. Knot patted his friend's back to console him. After felt an hour Arthit calmed himself before speaking.

"What happened, doctor? Why.. Why he was..." Arthit couldn't able to complete his sentence, he don't want to mention that Kong was afraid of him.

"I don't know Le... I mean Mr.Arthit.... But he said that you are one of them who used to punish him when he was in the darkroom... That's why he is throwing trauma towards you.....  And the drugs which I mentioned earlier was a combination of some restricted drugs which will lead to mental illness if we consume it daily basis..." Arthit and Knot widened their eyes in shock.

"What are you saying... Is he...?"

"No... Mr.Knot.... he is fine but the drugs damaged some parts in his brain so he forgot about his past ... If I am right you guys recused him before its too late... we can save him....."

"Will he get his memories back?" Arthit asked in low voice.

"I can't assure that... because the drugs are quite strong.... but we can save him from not falling into mental disability" Doctor assured.

"Ok... Can I see him?" Arthit asked full of hope.

"Ah.... Sorry, Mr.Arthit.... For the timing being.... You... You should avoid to be in his vision... It will scare him more, it's not good for his treatment"

"Ok.." Arthit said while shedding invisible tears. Knot pressed his shoulder before giving assurance smile to him.

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