Kong is missing

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"Yeah, Mr. Lee I have reached.... Will be there in 10 Minutes, Don't worry"


"Sure... Ok Bye"

Arthit funnelled towards the big hall, which have been decorated with their product advertisement posters. It's like one of his dream comes true, their product is going to be launch in Thailand today. This is his career's masterpiece, it is solely his product from the beginning so his heart was beyond happy. After a few minutes of walk Arthit's focus was landed on the promo board where the clips of the advertisement was popping, his eyes tinsels and his lips curved into smile automatically. (A/N I swear... I don't know that the smile on Arthit's lips was for the promo or the model😉😉) He hustled his steps when his phone started to ring nth time.

"O my God, Finally...... hurry up..... The function is about to start....." Bright growled once Arthit came into his view. "I highly doubt, whether the word punctual is in your dictionary?" Bright mumbled himself but Arthit heard it clearly.

"Shut up Bright, I can hear you.... This time it's not my fault.... The dam traffic.... You know right the traffic in BK is hell" Arthit ranted while tailing Bright. Bright didn't give any reply he just led the way for Arthit to the main hall. The hall filled with a lot of people's cheering sound. Maximum of the crowed was Kong's fan. When seeing the love of Kong's fans Arthit felt touched. His eyes started to search for Kong while approaching the massive stage but he is nowhere to be found.

'Where is he?... he should be here right...' Arthit was thinking while searching for Kong, June cut off his thought.

"Hi... P'Arthit... Welcome back" June said with a sweet smile.

"Thank you, June.... How are you?"

"Yeah, I am good.... Thank you for asking.... Aaaaa.... P'... Where is Kong?"

"Huh..? How come I know where he is? You know right, just a couple of hour back I landed here"

"But he should be with you right?"

"What....? Why the hell he should be with me?"

"Because someone wanted to see his boyfriend badly, so his boyfriend flew to him" Bright commented in a teasing tone, Arthit turned his head in embarrassment. He remembered how badly he wanted to saw Kong within a month after he back to India.

"Aaaaa..... You..... Ok, screw it.... Guys he returned to Thailand last week itself due to some emergency work but I am surprised that you don't know about that, June.... After all, you are his assistant"

"Huh...? What are you saying.... P'.... Really I don't know"

"How come you don't know? I thought you are the one who informed it to him"

"No P'...... Before leaving to India he asked us not to disturb him.... So we didn't make any calls to him" Arthit heart panicked for a second but he pulled himself together before speaking.

"Guys.... I am telling if this a prank just drop it now... I don't like it" Arthit stated in a stern voice.

"No P'.... I am serious.... I didn't make any call to him..... I have cleared all his schedule until next week. So there is no emergency work as you specified"

"But.... He mentioned.... Ok, leave it...... Can you check with Mr. Lee? Maybe he could have sent him somewhere without your knowledge"

"Its impossible P'..... Because he is the one who asked me to check with you about his arrival"

"What the hell" Suddenly an unknown fear took over Arthit's body. He felt like the world around him is becoming dark. His heart stopped beating for a moment. He struggled to breath by the thought of Kong is in trouble. His mind forgot all about the product launch. He just wanted to see his Kong without any scratch. He came out from his thought when he heard that their names were called out loudly by the MC.

"I would like to invite Mr. Arthit, the president of Mapple interstices and our handsome idol Kongpop to the stage" Arthit and others were frozen in the place without knowing what to do.


"How can you so irresponsible..."

Lee shouted at June. His face was red because of anger. Her body was shivering in fear. Arthit had walked out of the venue without a word. After that Lee and the event management team had struggled a lot to convince fans to return back without making any trouble.

"P'.... that.... I..." June shuttered her words.

"I don't want to hear your lame excuses...... just make sure that the news is not dripping out to the other media at anycast"

"Ok... P'..."

"And check with all of his friends about his last whereabouts that they knew..... We may get some indication"

"Mmmm" June hummed before leaving the room. She felt so guilty. She blamed her for this situation. After she left Bright ran into Lee's cabin while sweating all over his body.

"Mr. Lee... Arthit...." Bright was out of breath because of his run so he couldn't finish his sentence.

"What happened to Arthit.... Why are you drenched with sweat?"

"I couldn't find Arthit anywhere.... Even his mobile is switched off.... I don't know where to find him"

"What...? Shit...... Aaaaa come with me.... I think.... I know where he will be" Bright followed with a hope of finding his friend. After an hour they both reached Kong's apartment. As they expected Arthit was sitting in the living area while hanging his head down. Once they reached near to him, Bright touched his shoulder. Arthit lifted his head, his eyes were red as like blood. While seeing his friend's state, bright heart clenched in pain and a little fear hover into him. He panicked that Arthit will return to his depressed state again. Lee was standing there without any expression while staring Arthit.

"Bright.... I checked with Airlines they confirmed his departure from India" Arthit said in a blank tone.

"Arthit don't worry.... he may trapped somewhere with his friends.... We will find him soon" Bright said in a soft voice while caressing his solder to console his friend.

"No... Bright I know something is wrong....After he left from India, he didn't even text me, I thought he was busy with work and before leaving he mentioned that the place he was going will be out of courage so I didn't mind about his absence but.... But...." Arthit tears started to pour, his voice have stuck in his throat because of the pain in his heart. Lee came near to him and pulled him into a hug before speaking.

"Mr. Arthit... trust me I'll bring him back where ever he is in the world..... I promise.... Please don't cry" Arthit screamed loud to let out his pain before returning the hug. After felt an hour he released the hug.

"I should have stopped him leaving alone...... I am an irresponsible partner to him..... Please, Lee.... Please... bring My Kong back to me...." Arthit pleaded in between of his sob. Lee gritted his teeth in disguise when he heard Arthit mentioning Kong as his. His blood boiled in anger but control himself from bursting out.

"Sure Ar.. Mr.Arthit.... I'll bring him to you.... Just trust me" 'But I can't promise that he will be alive' Lee thought before smirking. Lee stroked gently Arthit's back to console him. Arthit cried on his shoulder like there is no tomorrow.

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