Day 2: kisses (naked)

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Cordelia Goode X reader 💖

I woke up, having my naked body squeezed by my supreme....... Cordelia Goode. We had been together for about three now. I was with her when her late girlfriend Misty Day died from the 7 wonders. Cordelia was a reck. She never let anyone into her room, never wanted to talk to anyone, would only come downstairs to get food or a drink but would go right back to her room..... but I was the exception. She let me comfort her. When Delia had her crying fits, I was the one there for her.

Then the best day of my life came, the day Cordelia told me she loved me. I was just shocked. She had loved Misty for so long and I didn't want to replace her. But Delia reassured me that I was the one she wanted now. She had found something inside of me that she had never seen before........ pure love that I was willing to give, give to her.

I felt small kisses on my neck and shoulders.
"Come on Baby. Wake up sweet girl." She whispered in my ear. I turned around, now facing her.
"Hi." She says
"Hi. Last night was absolutely, utterly, amazing." I said bring my lips to hers. Our naked body's tangled up together as we laid in her bed. Sex with Delia was always amazing. She was dominant, but not in an aggressive way, more of a 'I want to be the one to give you pleaser' type thing. And I loved it. The way she licked and sucked me was wonderful in so many ways.

As we kissed for about 20 more minutes, air started to become needed, yet neither of us wanted to pull way.

"Baby, we should get ready. The girl are most likely wondering where we are." I say as Cordelia kissed down me neck making me moan.
"Ok sweetheart, let's get you dressed."
"And by Let's you mean you."

A/n: Guys I know this was short but I swear the next will be better.

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